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More women than ever are starting careers in science

But a study of the publications of millions of researchers also suggests that women are less likely to continue their academic careers than their male counterparts.

Swiss universities want to promote their female professors

Through a joint program, the Swiss and ETH universities intend to encourage their female professors to aim for positions of responsibility, in which they are still seriously lacking

Gender and education, a duo that makes school run!

As of 2023, school textbooks will be written using inclusive language, eliminating gender stereotypes and respecting equality

How language distorts our representations of gender

We believe that we are what we have been told. This view can both elevate and confine us.

When the harassment trap closes in on doctoral students

Two testimonies collected by illustrate the vulnerability of doctoral students to psychological harassment and abuse of power in Swiss French-speaking academic institutions.


Closing the gender gap at academic conferences: A tool for monitoring and assessing academic events

The importance of participation in academic conferences is well known for members of the scientific community. It is not only for the feedback and the improvement of the work, it is also about career development, building networks and increasing visibility.

If you want more women in your workforce, here’s how to recruit

Academic departments and institutions must show candidates that they welcome people from all backgrounds.

Gender Bias in TA Evals

We know about gender bias in student ratings of professors. A new study finds the same, troubling trend in evaluations of teaching assistants

Uncertain prospects for postdoctoral researchers

Nature’s first survey of this key segment of the scientific workforce uncovers anxiety and doubt about their professional pathway.

“Les chantiers sont le terrain de chasse idéal”: des étudiantes et chercheuses en archéologie dénoncent le sexisme qui y règne

Elles témoignent de brimades et d’agressions dans ce milieu, en particulier lors des chantiers de fouille. L’exposition « Archéo-Sexisme » a recueilli leur parole et fait le tour de France des campus.

Gender Gap in Research Output Widens During Pandemic

Experts identify childcare, which tends to fall to women, as one likely cause for the relative decrease in women’s scientific productivity compared with men’s.

Comment les habitants de Suisse ont vécu le semi-confinement

Une étude menée par l’EPFL, l’Institut de recherche Idiap et l’Institut de Psychologie de l’Université de Lausanne, permet de constituer une photographie inédite du vécu des habitants de Suisse durant la période de semi-confinement due au Covid-19.

Pandemic heavily impacts on European ECRs with caring responsibilities

After the 12th of March 2020, when the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the COVID-19 as a pandemic, more than one third of the world’s population entered lockdown in one form or another. In particular, schools, kindergartens, and universities closed and are not expected to reopen fully soon.

Les carrières des chercheuses menacées par le coronavirus, y compris en Suisse

«Je n’ai jamais rien vu de tel.» Dans un tweet le 18 avril, Elizabeth Hannon, la vice-rédactrice en chef du British Journal for Philosophy of Science s’alarmait de la chute du nombre d’articles soumis par des chercheuses.

How does she do it? Can we have it all?

Here we are featuring some stories of women who have certainly managed to have a great deal: a successful scientific career and a family. How do they do it?

Pour nous, hommes, le temps est venu de prendre le pouvoir

Le 8 mars dernier, à l’occasion de la journée internationale des droits des femmes, j’avais l’occasion de participer à une table ronde. J’étais l’homme quota parmi quatre autres femmes toutes plus compétentes les unes que les autres, avec des parcours professionnels admirables …


Sex and gender analysis improves science and engineering

The goal of sex and gender analysis is to promote rigorous, reproducible and responsible science.

The Rules of the Diversity and Inclusion Racket

What white people really mean when they talk about diversity in higher education.

Mitigating gender bias in student evaluations of teaching

Student evaluations of teaching are widely believed to contain gender bias.

How Women Can Escape the Likability Trap

Powerful women know how to flip feminine stereotypes to their advantage.

Parental leave would institutionalize male part-time work

Alain Salamin, a lecturer at HEC Lausanne, listed ten solutions to achieve gender equality at work in Le Temps.

Discrimination drives LGBT+ scientists to think about quitting

Despite progress, many physical scientists from sexual and gender minorities experience exclusion or harassment at work, finds UK survey.

Measures to ensure that women have equal career opportunities

Academia is wondering how to recruit more women to leadership positions. One option is to have at least one woman on recruitment committees.

Women in leadership bring better business performance

A new report shows gender diversity improves business outcomes, and makes it easier to attract talent. The report also looks at the reasons behind the continuing gender diversity deficits, and makes recommendations for breaking the cycle.

In Swiss Academic Science, Charges of Bullying and Gender Bias

Following charges against a female scientist, some faculty at Switzerland’s elite universities say the country has a gender equity problem.

For women, part-time work remains a real barrier to a career

Last year, twice as many women as men changed jobs to reconcile private and professional life. For Robin Gordon, director of the Interiman agency, Switzerland is the heir to a societal model that is “out of step” with current expectations.

Survey Highlights “Shocking” Gender Bias Among PI Pay in UK

Young science professors, both men and women, say their institutions don’t support them with enough mentoring and resources yet ask them to teach sometimes up to 40 hours a week.

10 Women in Science and Tech who should be Household Names

about recognizing the hardships women face and the continued urgency of the fight for gender equality.

Scientists’ salary data highlight US$18,000 gender pay gap

Female PhD recipients in the United States expect to earn less than male colleagues.

Where Are All the Female Architects?

Nearly half of architecture students are women. Why are so few sticking with the industry after graduation?

An academic mother’s wish list: 12 things universities need

There are many ways to create an inclusive workplace, say Julia Leventon, Katy Roelich and Lucie Middlemiss.
