
Drawing showing several emblematic buildings of the EPFL. Silhouettes pose in front of them. A large inscription "Facts" completes the image © EPFL
Data as a mirror of an institution
Data can often be more revealing than long speeches. They allow us to understand an institution through its multiple facets, whether it be its missions, its operations, its organisation or its achievements. EPFL unveils itself through its data and the key figures that define it, revealing general statistics as well as some unknown angles. For EPFL, the transparency of its data is also a communication channel to reflect its identity, evolution, and dynamism.
This site presents EPFL’s institutional data. You will find the raw data of the institution’s key indicators, and you can explore their trend. You will also find thematic overviews reflecting EPFL’s actions in critical areas, as well as the impact of an academic institution on its environment and its role in society.

EPFL in figures
Discover our School’s main achievements in numbers

Statistiques Institutionnelles
Consultez les statistiques plus détaillées relatives à l’éducation, la recherche, l’innovation, les finances, le personnel, la durabilité et les rankings de l’Institution.

Graph Search
A network of interconnected academic data instantly accessible in a single place.
Data stories

Challenges and opportunities of social diversity: Who will be our students of tomorrow?
Social diversity decreases throughout secondary school, a phenomenon accentuated in the scientific specializations in high school. How does the transition to EPFL fare?

Drop out to reorient yourself: educational pathways after an early exit from EPFL
The number of drop-outs during their first year at EPFL has fallen in recent years. Eight years after starting their studies, 8% have stopped for good. What are the reasons for dropping out? What are the subsequent educational pathways?

Basic science research is also a source of new talents for society.
Shortage of engineers: 60% of academics trained at EPFL work in industry, in both SMEs and large companies.