EPFL takes seriously any breaches of legal or ethical rules by its members and their possible impact on the institution, other members of the EPFL community or third parties. For this reason, it set up in 2017 two external and independent bodies, called ombudspersons.
The task of these two persons is to examine the admissibility of reports of misconduct by EPFL members. If admissible, they forward the case to the EPFL Presidency, making recommendations on what action to take. One of the Ombudspersons deals exclusively with breaches of scientific probity (Scientific Ombudsperson); the other deals with other types of breaches (Administrative Ombudsperson).
EPFL regularly monitors the way in which it deals with reports of misconduct brought to its attention, with a view to continuous improvement. Between 2020 and 2023, the ombudspersons were called upon 87 times. A summary of their activity is published here.