Dimensions is a magazine that showcases the cutting-edge research being done at EPFL through a series of in-depth articles, interviews, portraits and news highlights.
Dimensions is published four times a year in both English and French. It can be sent to anyone who wants to subscribe as well as contributing members of the EPFL Alumni Club. It is also distributed free of charge on EPFL’s campuses.

Dimensions #16
FLIPBOOK/PDF The new issue of Dimensions is out! Read it online or download it in pdf format

“It’s all about discovering new places and nurturing your curiosity”
INTERVIEW Gaëlle Giesen recently set new women’s world records in rebreather and in deep-sea diving, reaching a depth of 222 meters last September. We spoke with the EPFL alumna about her insatiable curiosity and taste for adventure.

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Editorial secretary and layout
Suzanne Setz
Editorial Manager
Emmanuel Barraud
Editor in chief
Anne-Muriel Brouet