EPFL History
Founded in 1853, the École Spéciale de Lausanne was renamed École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in 1969.

EPFL is structured as a Direction, Schools, Colleges, an EPFL Assembly, a Council of EPFL Teachers, Centers and Central Services.

The “EPFL” brand: our name, our logo and our official font.

Doctor Honoris Causa
Every year at our Master’s graduation ceremony, EPFL awards the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to preeminent researchers and other figures who have made a significant contribution to science and engineering.

Annual report
Browse through the current annual report, or access the archives of previous years.

Regulations and guidelines
EPFL Guidelines, Compliance Guide and Disclaimer
Some key figures
56 years

Founded in 1969, EPFL is one of the youngest institutes of technology in the world
nearly 18 000

students and employees make EPFL a bustling, dynamic campus today
over 130

nationalities represented, making EPFL one of the three most international universities in the world
more than 500

laboratories, chairs and research groups, in disciplines ranging from math and life science to architecture and engineering
more than 370

internationally recognized professors. In 2022, the proportion of female faculty recruited rose to 37%.

EPFL researchers are among the 1% most cited in their fields globally
N° 26

in the QS World University ranking, alongside Princeton and Yale

publications per professor in 2023

publications with one or more international partners

startups created in 2023 (almost two per month), for a total of more than 390 since 2000
over 470 millions CHF

in funding raised by EPFL spin-offs in 2022
over 1 billion CHF

the size of our annual budget, with around one third coming from third parties