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The english version is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force. Only the French version is legally binding.

The FIT Act determines the missions and organisation and hence the autonomy of the different institutions of the EPF Domain. It establishes in particular the existence of the four bodies, namely teaching staff, doctoral assistants and scientific staff, students and administrative and technical staff.

Effective on 04.10.1991
Status as of 01.05.2017

This ordinance determines the details concerning application directly linked with the FIT Act.

Effective on 19.11.2003
Status as of 01.05.2017

This ordinance determines the mandate and rules concerning the organisation of the EPFZ and EPFL directly linked with the FIT Act.

Effective on 13.11.2003
Status as of 01.05.2009

This ordinance defines the structure of the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the organisation and decision-making powers of its Direction, Schools, Colleges and central services. 

Use of the EPFL logo must comply with the rules defined by Mediacom. It must include the acronym and the designation in full, placed underneath the latter. These two elements are indissociable. With the exception of units or projects resulting from external partnerships, the EPFL logo is the institution’s only official logo. No other logo, specific to a particular unit, can be used in conjunction with it.

Further information on the reappointment process for School Deans & College Directors is available on the VPA website.

Effective on 01.03.2004
Status as of 01.01.2021
Governance, Organisation of EPFL

This directive indicates which EPFL legal texts must form the subject of consultation and explains the procedure to be followed for consultations carried out at EPFL or in the Schools.

Effective on 01.01.2002
Status as of 01.01.2017

These regulations specify the management standards applicable for the creation, amendment, publication and monitoring of ordinances, regulations, directives and provisions approved by the EPFL Direction.

Effective on 15.07.2011
Status as of 15.05.2023
Governance, Organisation of EPFL

Exemption of the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) from inheritance and gift tax.

Effective on 23.05.2013
Status as of 23.05.2013
Governance, Organisation of EPFL

Exemption of the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) from inheritance and gift tax.

Effective on 10.06.2013
Status as of 20.03.2023
Governance, Schools and Colleges

This directive determines the composition and competences of the School Councils.

Effective on 28.03.2015
Status as of 26.06.2023

These rules and regulations define the structure and organisation of the EPFL College of Humanities (CDH) and determine the competences and tasks of its bodies. They also define the Committees and General Assembly.

Effective on 07.05.2018
Status as of 25.01.2021

These rules and regulations define the structure and organisation of EPFL Schools and determine the competences and tasks of its bodies.
They also define the Committees and General Assembly.

Annex 1: List of Disciplines by School
Annex 2: List of Schools, Sections, Institutes and Centres

Further information on the appointment process of Section and Institute Directors is available on the VPA website.

Effective on 01.01.2017
Status as of 15.03.2021
Governance, Schools and Colleges

The present regulations define the structure and organisation of the EPFL Core Facilities and govern the tasks and areas of authority of their bodies.
Annex 1: EPFL Core Facilities administratively attached to AVP Centres and platforms

Effective on 30.04.2018
Status as of 04.07.2022
Governance, Fundraising

The context of international competition coupled with stagnant budget resources has led EPFL to develop a more proactive policy to identify new sources of funding, such as patronage and sponsorship, to help finance its missions of education, research and technology transfer. Such funds may be allocated by contract to general goals, such as funding for research, education or EPFL infrastructure, or to specific projects.
See also Ordonnance concernant la gestion de l'immobilier et la logistique de la Confédération.

Effective on 15.07.2014
Status as of 07.12.2022

To ensure that EPFL students cite and reference information sources correctly in their written work, the EPFL Direction has issued this directive that states clearly and concisely the principles that must be adhered to. The directive also defines the notion of plagiarism, which is the result of failure to respect these principles.
See also : https://citation.epfl.ch

This website is dedicated to students, PhD students, researchers and lecturers. It sets out what should be cited why and how, recalls the rules and provides examples.

Effective on 01.01.2013
Status as of 01.01.2017

These Statues specify the mission, the composition, the organisation and the decision-making rules of the EPFL Human Research Ethics Committee.

Effective on 01.01.2017
Status as of 17.09.2024
Governance, Deontology and ethics

These statutes specify the mission, the composition, the organization and the decision-making rules of the EPFL Animal Research Ethics Committee (AREC).

Effective on 29.01.2019
Status as of 29.01.2019
Governance, Risk Management

List of documents published by the Federal Finance Administration (FFA) concerning risk management.

Effective on 24.09.2010
Status as of 15.07.2019
Governance, Risk Management

These regulations define the competences of the Audit Committee and the Executive Committee.

Effective on 13.12.2005
Status as of 23.09.2008

These directives define the risk management principles applicable to the EPFs and research establishments. They also determine the principles regarding risk financing by the EPFs and research establishments and the damage and cost coverage as well as the procedure to be followed by the ETH Board vis-à-vis the Confederation in the event of large-scale damage.

Effective on 04.07.2006
Status as of 16.05.2018
Governance, Risk Management

These regulations define the organisation of Risk Management (RM) at the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the organisation and decision-making powers of the Risk Management Committee (CRM) and the committees attached to the latter.

Effective on 22.06.2009
Status as of 08.03.2021

This directive clarifies the rules applicable to representatives of EPFL within the executive body of an external entity.

Effective on 01.10.2015
Status as of 06.12.2021
Governance, Safety, Prevention and Health

The present directive determines the assignment of functions relating to health and safety in the workplace. It specifies the responsibilities of all the actors who must work as part of a network at EPFL. It also forms an integral part of risk management, at both CEPF and EPFL levels.

Annex 1

Effective on 01.12.2012
Status as of 29.04.2024
Governance, Safety, Prevention and Health

This directive concerns the absence of smoke on the EPFL campus and the protection of non-smokers against the effects of passive smoking.

Effective on 03.05.2004
Status as of 11.04.2023
Governance, Safety, Prevention and Health

The CAMIPRO badge is an RFID-type smart card identifying duly accredited members of the EPFL community.

Effective on 01.06.2012
Status as of 01.08.2024
Governance, Safety, Prevention and Health

This directive sets out the rules for the use of the liquid helium supply on campus.

Effective on 21.11.2013
Status as of 15.03.2021
Governance, Safety, Prevention and Health

The Canton of Vaud law on public health (LSP – Loi sur la santé publique) requires that all research projects involving humans, in the sense of research on human beings, receive the validation of the Commission d’éthique de la recherche (Research Ethics Commission). This approval permits the guaranteed protection of the research subjects and assurance of the quality of the results. The present directive defines both the procedures to follow for blood sampling with voluntary donors on the EPFL campus, and the responsibilities and obligations of participants. Blood samples collected are to be used uniquely for fundamental research projects.

Annexes :
Template related to written consent for providing a blood sample for research purposes
Procedure – Blood sampling

Effective on 31.03.2014
Status as of 15.03.2021

The Swiss Federal Audit Office (CdF) is the Confederation's supreme body of financial control.

Effective on 28.06.1967
Status as of 01.01.2018

The Internal Audit Team carries out the internal auditing of the EPFs and research institutions of the EPF Domain, in accordance with Art. 11 of the law on financial control of 28 June 1967.

Effective on 05.02.2004
Status as of 01.09.2018
Governance, Internal Control System

The EPFL Internal Control System (hereafter ICS) manages the risks caused by management processes affecting the financial statements, and ensures the implementation of key controls guaranteeing an acceptable risk level. This system ensures that financial operations are correctly carried out at EPFL. The EPFL ICS is directed by an ad hoc committee, ICS Committee (hereafter ICSC), responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the ICS. The functioning of the ICSC is described in the Organisation Regulations of Risk Management at EPFL (LEX 1.4.3).

Effective on 30.08.2010
Status as of 28.06.2021
Governance, Compliance Guide

This Compliance Guide sets out the main rules, practices and values governing EPFL. It serves as a reference for all members of the EPFL community, enabling them to carry out their work with confidence, fully aware of our school's guiding principles, how to apply them and whom to contact with questions.

Effective on 01.02.2019
Status as of 01.01.2024

The directives outline the procedure to be followed when employees of the ETH domain report behaviour which is legally or ethically inappropriate (hereinafter “whistleblowing”) of which they have become aware in the context of their activity within the ETH domain.

Effective on 23.05.2012
Status as of 01.08.2017

These directives define which behaviors must be reported by the President of the EPFL to the Presidency of the ETH Board. And the procedure to follow.

Effective on 05.07.2017
Status as of 05.07.2017
Governance, Report instances

Implementation of the whistleblowing procedure allows EPFL members to report any serious misconduct that may occur as soon as possible.
This document presents the rights of individuals affected by an administrative enquiry.

Effective on 14.08.2017
Status as of 01.06.2023
Governance, Conference, Commission and Steering Committee

These regulations concern the composition and functioning of the Section Directors' Conference and its bureau. They determine the frequency of its meetings, its tasks and responsibilities

Effective on 01.01.2005
Status as of 14.09.2022
Governance, Conference, Commission and Steering Committee

The catering committee is the consultation and proposal body assigned by the EPFL Direction to study problems of general interest connected with catering. It is responsible for making proposals regarding possible improvements in this area.

Effective on 07.11.2005
Status as of 21.02.2022

States the conditions to be fulfilled for admission to EPFL, as either a first-year or Master student. It also stipulates all the conditions concerning the entrance examination for candidates who must take this examination in order to be admitted to their first year of studies.

Effective on 08.05.1995
Status as of 01.09.2024
Education, EPFL admission

This directive first outlines the concept of the EPFL Direction regarding student mobility. It then states the rules applicable to vertical mobility – i.e. the admission of external students to EPFL Master studies – and finally the principles applicable to horizontal mobility, i.e. whereby a student spends one semester or one year at another university while still remaining enrolled at EPFL. This directive is completed by the rules concerning mobility specific to each section. More information can be obtained from the person responsible for mobility in your section.

Effective on 01.01.2012
Status as of 25.01.2021

This determines the organisation of studies at EPFL in accordance with the Bologna Declaration and the guidelines of the Conférence suisse des hautes écoles :
1) the different stages : preparatory first year (foundation year), Bachelor programme, Master programme and Master project
2) the normal and maximum durations of studies permitted for each stage
3) and, in the form of a table at the end of the ordinance, the list of all the sections, Bachelor and Master titles awarded at EPFL and the professional designations.

Study duration
EPFL students should pay attention to Art. 12 wich stipulates that the credits required for each stage must be acquired within a maximum time limit, failing which failure will be final (even without a second attempt).

Effective on 14.06.2004
Status as of 01.09.2024
Education, Bachelor-Master-CMS

This directive relates to the Schools and sections when they wish to introduce new Master or Minor programmes.

Effective on 17.10.2005
Status as of 15.05.2023
Education, Bachelor-Master-CMS

This text stipulates the rules concerning the languages that can be used for teaching and examinations at EPFL, different rules being applicable depending on whether Bachelor or Master studies are concerned.

Effective on 01.09.2014
Status as of 01.01.2017

The Directives on support for the organisation of studies at EPFL set out the main points of support for students for the organisation of their studies (Deputy of Section, head of field of study, Mobility Delegate, Master’s Internship Coordinator and the accompanying person for study trips). These directives lay out the main powers and certain responsibilities relating to these roles, with the basic requirements to be met in order to fill the position in question, where necessary.

Effective on 09.02.2021
Status as of 09.02.2021

These regulations concern the use of the EPFL library.

Effective on 13.04.2018
Status as of 15.04.2023
Education, Code of Honour

In order to reinforce the climate of collaboration and mutual confidence on the campus, this code of honour underlines the ethical responsibilities of future EPFL engineers, scientists and architects. It refers to the EPFL Charter of Ethics. In adhering to this code, each student undertakes to contribute to the impact and reputation of EPFL and the value of the titles it awards.
See also Ethics section and, for the students, a reminder of LEX 1.3.3 below.

Effective on 30.09.2013
Status as of 01.01.2017
Education, Discipline

Based on the new article 37b of the ETH Federal Act, this ordinance determines the disciplinary measures that EPFL is entitled to take in the event of disciplinary offences on the part of students (CMS, Bachelor, Master, PhD and continuing education). They include:
- the list of disciplinary offences (Art. 2 - Art. 3)
- the list of possible disciplinary measures (Art. 4)
- the disciplinary competences (Art. 7 - Art. 11)
- the details of the disciplinary proceedings (Art. 12 - Art. 14)

The aim of the ordinance is to protect EPFL against any instances of wrongdoing that hinder its smooth functioning. The offence committed may also give rise to a police investigation and/or civil and criminal proceedings.

Effective on 01.11.2021
Status as of 01.11.2021
Education, Doctorate

Effective on 17.09.2019
Status as of 17.09.2019

This ordinance governs the principles and rules applicable to doctoral studies and the conditions regarding the obtaining of the doctorate.

Effective on 26.01.1998
Status as of 01.09.2019

This directive gives details regarding the principles and rules concerning doctoral studies in accordance with the ordinance.

For further information on the appointment process of Doctoral Programmes Directors, documents are available on the VPA website.

Effective on 21.11.2005
Status as of 01.01.2024

This directive makes it obligatory for all candidates for teaching posts or all candidates for promotion in teaching at EPFL to draw up a specific dossier concerning their skills and activities in education and teaching. It then establishes the evaluation of teaching performance by obligatory indicative evaluation (assessment by students of each of their courses each semester) and the in-depth evaluation of the performance of each teaching staff member, which itself constitutes the follow-up to an indicative evaluation that revealed problems. This in-depth evaluation is however also carried out at the request of the teaching staff member who wishes to change or check and improve their teaching performance.

Effective on 07.01.2004
Status as of 01.09.2022

This ordinance lays down the principles governing the organisation of study evaluation at EPFL: sessions, form of assessment, blocks, groups of branches, observers, marking, conference for ratification of examination results, language used, cheating, notification of results, absence from examinations owing to illness, conditions for disabled students, etc.
The ordinance also defines pass requirements, entitlement to a second attempt and situations of failure.
The rules generally applicable to all examinations are grouped under Chapter 1, followed by the rules specific to each level (Chapter 2 : Foundation year, Chapter 3 : Bachelor and Master programme examinations, Chapter 4 : Master project).
Note : the ordinance determines the general rules, which are supplemented by the rules of each section published in the form of study plans and implementing regulations for study evaluation.

Art. 20 provides for the right of students to challenge an EPFL decision (e.g.relative to their examination results (see details).

Art. 10 addresses the inability to attend an examination, whether due to illness or other reasons.

Art. 15 provides for the right of students to ask teaching staff to consult their examination scripts, after they have been notified of their results, within a period of 6 months. The student should follow the consultation procedure estblished by the teaching staff.

Examination procedure : Teaching staff are responsible to define the content of the examination, the weighting of the various parts and determining the scale of marking. These elements cannot therefore be challenged as such, in so far as they comply with constitutional rights principle. On the other hand, the form of the examination as announced in the course booklet must be adhered to. The presence at an oral test of a neutral observer, i.e. someone with no hierarchical relationship with the teaching staff member, is mandatory. The examination procedure may change from one year to another and students who are repeating a block of courses are therefore not entitled to expect the same examination procedure on their second attempt.

Note : If students intend to repeat a course they have failed, they must do so during the following academic year.

Art. 29 states the criteria for conditional admission to the Master programme and Master project.

Marking: Whereas grading was to the half-mark until now, quarter-marks will be awarded as from the start of the 2016 academic year (Art. 8).

Foundation Year – (Chapter 2)

Remedial Review Course (MAN)
An average below 3.50 in Block 1 at the end of the winter session will amount to initial failure for new students, who will be required to take a remedial Review Course (“Mise à niveau-MAN”) in the spring semester. These students must pass the Review Course exams to be allowed to repeat the Foundation Year, failing which they will have to leave EPFL.

Failure is final for students repeating the Foundation Year whose average in Block 1 is below 3.50 at the end of the winter session .

Retaining the marks of passed subjects when repeating the Foundation Year
Except for students from the MAN Review Course, who must repeat each session subject, Foundation Year repeat students may keep their pass marks from session subjects if they so wish.
However, it is forbidden to repeat a successful semester subject.

Effective on 30.06.2015
Status as of 01.09.2024
Education, Examinations & Appeal

This internal directive applies to teaching staff for written and oral tests held during examination sessions, continuous evaluation during the semester, semester and Master projects, at CMS, Bachelor, Master and doctorate levels.

The objective of this directive is to guarantee that tests are conducted irreproachably, and thus prevent any form of cheating. It aims to ensure correct marking for each branch, the mark allocated being an accurate reflection of the student’s performance.

An examination report is introduced for written and oral tests held during examination sessions (Art. 7). Teaching staff complete this report, attach the question paper for written tests and send them to the section responsible for the course. The question papers for written examinations will be filed in the sections for a period of five years, as a means of retracing examination content (Art. 11.2)

The scripts submitted by students are kept for six months following the end of the corresponding study programme (Art. 10.2 and 12.5).

The teaching staff member is personally present at the examination. In cases of absolute necessity, their substitute is validated by the Vice-President for Education (Art. 11.1).

For Master projects done outside EPFL , the EPFL teaching staff member responsible for the project decides concerning the defence procedure (Art. 17).

Recommendations to assist teaching staff with the organisation of examinations accompany the directives.

Effective on 01.06.2008
Status as of 01.09.2023

An examination report is introduced for written and oral tests held during examination sessions (Art. 7). Teaching staff complete this report, attach to it the question paper for written examinations and send both to the section responsible for the course., which will distribute them to the section responsible for the course. The question paper for written examinations will be filed in the sections for a period of five years, as a means of retracing examination content (Art. 11.2).

Effective on 06.12.2011
Status as of 01.06.2021

This document stipulates the operating procedure and competences of the conference for ratification of examination results (Art. 17 of the Ordinance on the Evaluation of Bachelor and Master Studies at the EPFL) and the marks conferences of the sections.

Effective on 19.05.2008
Status as of 25.01.2021
Education, Examinations & Appeal

This directive determines the conditions under which a medical certificate is taken into consideration by EPFL to justify the interruption of or absences during examinations. It specifies the procedure for verification of the medical impediment by a medical adviser and the guarantee of medical confidentiality and data protection.

Effective on 01.01.2003
Status as of 25.01.2021

This document explains the procedure to be followed by any student who thinks that, owing to their disability, they have special needs or require personal assistance in order to attend courses or tests. The text also states which service is responsible for which tasks in relation to these special arrangements.

Effective on 01.07.2010
Status as of 25.01.2021
Education, Examinations & Appeal

This document provides information on the procedures for challenging an EPFL decision regarding studies. It is recommended that this document be consulted before commencing any challenge procedure.

Effective on 22.06.2018
Status as of 03.05.2022

This ordinance determines the organisation of continuing education programmes by EPFL. These programmes, for which a fee is charged, are primarily intended for professionals (engineers, architects, scientists and managers of private or public companies) who wish to acquire broader and deeper knowledge regarding emerging topics.

The programmes lead to the titles of
- MAS – Master of Advanced Studies or EM – Executive Master
- DAS – Diploma of Advanced Studies
- CAS – Certificate of Advanced Studies
- COS – Certificate of Open Studies

Effective on 27.06.2005
Status as of 01.03.2017

This directive determines the internal organisation of UNIL-EPFL Continuing Education and the services it offers or invoices to EPFL study programme directors.

Effective on 08.08.2005
Status as of 01.01.2017

This document describes the conditions according to which professors are authorised to be remunerated in a private capacity for teaching continuing education courses.

Effective on 01.09.2005
Status as of 25.01.2021
Education, Study rules and regulations

The course booklet provides a detailed description of each course.

Updated annually for the new academic year.

Effective September 1 of each year.

Education, Study rules and regulations

This document contains the detailed study rules and regulations for the Special Mathematics Course.

This document is not available in English.

Effective on 21.05.2012

This ordinance of the ETH Board lays down the principles and rules concerning the payment of educational fees (course fees, register fees, doctorate fees) and fees for administrative procedures. The amounts of these fees are indicated in the form of a table in Annexe to the ordinance. However, the amounts of the subscriptions for Agepoly, the social fund (EPFL student foundation) and use of the sports facilities are given in the rules and regulations concerning fees LEX 2.10.1.

Effective on 31.05.1995
Status as of 01.09.2018
Education, Fees and Grants

These rules and regulations determine the subscriptions that students must pay to the EPFL students' association (Agepoly), the EPFL students' foundation, and for use of the sports facilities and accident insurance (death or disability).

Effective on 19.01.2004
Status as of 01.04.2020
Research & Tech Transfer, Research Funding

This document establishes the address of the legal headquarters of EPFL and is authenticated by a notary.

Effective on 30.05.2007
Status as of 19.07.2021
Research & Tech Transfer, Research Funding

This document defines the legal and fiscal status of EPFL and may be required by sponsors in the United States for the funding of research projects. The signed document should be requested by email from the Grants Office at : [email protected].

Effective on 13.10.2016
Status as of 07.02.2024

This document lays  out the rules and procedures at EPFL for the period following the awarding of a grant from the European Commission as part of the 8th European Framework Programme (H2020).
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3

Annex 4 

Effective on 13.02.2019
Status as of 15.03.2021
Research & Tech Transfer, Research Commission

This document defines the basic principles for the planning, execution, presentation and evaluation of research work that apply to all EPFL members involved in scientific research (including students and technical staff).

Effective on 01.05.2009
Status as of 25.01.2021

This ordinance applies to teaching staff, PhD candidates, scientific staff, students associated with a research group, guests associated with an EPFL group and its research activities and concerns cases of breaches of scientific integrity. A breach of scientific integrity is considered to have been committed when there has been deliberate intention to deceive a recipient, the public or the scientific community in the exploitation, diffusion and publication of ideas, concepts, theories, methods or experimental data.

Effective on 23.03.2009
Status as of 01.01.2018
Research & Tech Transfer, Technology Transfer

This ordinance (previuously Ordonnance sur les biens immatériels et les participations dans le domaine des EPF) establishes the rights and obligations of staff of the EPF Domain concerning intellectual property (intangible assets such as inventions, software, scientific texts, etc.) that they create in the course of their activity for the EPF.

Effective on 09.07.2014
Status as of 01.01.2015

This directive sets out the rules and regulations concerning the creation of legal entities under private law and shares in legal entities.
Annexe 1 Conseil des EPF 28 et 29 septembre 2016 CEPF Participations dans les entreprises
Annex 2: Check-list for investments in companies

Effective on 09.07.2014
Status as of 09.07.2014
Research & Tech Transfer, Technology Transfer

This Directive governs:
- responsibilities and processes regarding the negotiation and signing of grant and research contracts, in particular with industrial partners, as well as other contracts in the field of research such as scientific service contracts and NDAs;
- management of EPFL intellectual property, technology transfer contracts and income from marketing intellectual property;
- EPFL acquisition of holdings in start-ups;
- authority in the field of legislation on dual-use goods and technology.
As for the rules governing overheads, they are now included in the Financial Regulations, see LEX 5.1.1

Effective on 27.05.2013
Status as of 15.05.2024
Research & Tech Transfer, Scientific publications

This document expresses the institutional position of EPFL on Open Access to scientific publications. The policy applies to all peer reviewed publications with an EPFL contribution.

Other documents
EPFL Author Amendment to Publication Agreement
EPFL Author Amendment to Publication Agreement – Extended rights
Instructions for the Use of the EPFL Author Amendment to Publication Agreement

Effective on 12.02.2019
Status as of 12.02.2019
Human Resources, All employees

This law, together with the specificities linked to the application of the Code des obligations (CO), comprise the founding texts governing the rights and obligations between employers and employees under both private and public law throughout the Swiss Confederation.
This text applies to the four bodies unless there are particular laws, ordinances or rules that concern specific categories of staff.

You will find hereafter an English translation of this law with comments from the ETH Board: link.

Effective on 24.03.2000
Status as of 01.01.2018

This framework ordinance is directly linked with the Loi sur le personnel de la Confédération (Federal Act on employees of the Confederation – LEX This text applies to the four bodies unless there are particular laws, ordinances or rules that concern specific categories of staff.

Effective on 20.12.2000
Status as of 01.01.2019

The OPers-EPF is the principal legislative text determining working relations between employer and employee in the EPF Domain. It explains the fundamental principles (Art. 4) as well as those linked with the development of human resources. An important part is devoted to benefits, namely the salary system and allocations (Art. 24 and following). This text applies to the four bodies unless there are particular laws, ordinances or rules that concern specific categories of staff.

You will find hereafter an English translation of this ordinance with comments from the ETH Board: link.

Effective on 15.03.2001
Status as of 01.10.2020

This ordinance specifies all the conditions governing pensions for employees of the EPF Domain. This text applies to the four bodies unless there are particular laws, ordinances or rules that concern specific categories of staff. 

Effective on 03.12.2007
Status as of 01.01.2021

This ordinance specifies all the conditions governing pensions for employees of the EPF Domain. This text applies to the four bodies unless there are particular laws, ordinances or rules that concern specific categories of staff.

Effective on 03.12.2007
Status as of 01.01.2021

These directives establish, with binding force, the rights and obligations relating to the ancillary activities of members of the direction of Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH) or the direction of Research Institutes. This text applies to the four bodies unless there are particular laws, ordinances or rules that concern specific categories of staff.

Effective on 26.09.2012
Status as of 01.01.2021

This directive determines the principles and rules concerning the protection of the interests of employees, EPFL and third parties, particularly within the framework of interactions with industry, the economy and other institutions.
The following documents are related to the directive 4.1.1
- Annex 1
- Annex 2a
- Annex 2b
Full, Associate and Assistant Professors may submit their annual disclosure of outside activities through the online platform. Should you have any questions, please contact Faculty Affairs  ([email protected]).

Effective on 01.12.2005
Status as of 01.07.2024

This document determines the procedure to be followed, or can be used as a checklist, on the departure particularly of a professor or senior executive, or closure of a unit.
Annex 1: Reverse schedule
This text applies to the four bodies unless there are particular laws, ordinances or rules that concern specific categories of staff.

Effective on 01.12.2007
Status as of 15.07.2022

This document determines the hierarchical relationships with reference to family links, in order to avoid any potential conflicts of interest. This text applies to the four bodies unless there are particular laws, ordinances or rules that concern specific categories of staff.

Effective on 24.01.2005
Status as of 24.01.2005

This document summarises all the rules regarding time and absence management. It establishes particularly the obligatory elements concerning timekeeping for European projects. It is implemented via the absence management tool supplied by EPFL. The directions for the use of the latter also provide the answers to many of the practical questions arising in this domain. This text applies to the four bodies unless there are particular laws, ordinances or rules that concern specific categories of staff.

Effective on 01.01.2013
Status as of 15.02.2023
Human Resources, All employees

This legal document summarises the authority and conditions for granting service allowances to EPFL staff members. This text applies to the four bodies unless there are particular laws, ordinances or rules that concern specific categories of staff.

Effective on 01.01.2015
Status as of 15.03.2021

The present directive defines the conditions under which staff members of EPFL may accept benefits and invitations from third parties. This text applies to the four bodies unless there are particular laws, ordinances or rules that concern specific categories of staff.

Effective on 17.12.2018
Status as of 25.01.2021

This ordinance is the principal text determining the different titles of faculty members, their rights, duties and tasks. It also determines the principles applicable concerning remuneration and allowances.

Effective on 18.09.2003
Status as of 01.08.2022

These rules are particularly important since they concern future academic careers. They define in particular the selection criteria applicable to tenure track assistant professors (PATT).

Effective on 04.05.2004
Status as of 01.03.2023

These rules specify the process of the appointment of an associate professor to the post of full professor and the evaluation criteria.

Effective on 04.05.2004
Status as of 01.03.2023

The strict rules applicable to the buyback facilities concerning faculty pension funds contribute directly to the attractiveness and competitiveness of EPFL on a worldwide level.

Effective on 24.05.2004
Status as of 13.04.2018
Human Resources, Faculty

Research leave, more commonly known as sabbatical leave, allows faculty members to supplement their knowledge or acquire new skills necessary in their teaching and research field or in a new domain that has been allocated to them.

Effective on 01.03.2007
Status as of 01.08.2024

Visiting professors, who generally come from abroad, are entitled to special conditions regarding work and allowances.

Effective on 22.07.2011
Status as of 01.09.2024
Human Resources, Faculty

This document stipulates EPFL policy concerning professors emeritus, especially with regard to specific activities, remuneration, workplaces, facilities, secretarial services, management of mandates and subsidies, and participation in congresses. It also states the obligations of the professor emeritus.

Effective on 09.02.2009
Status as of 01.01.2024

This directive stipulates the procedure and conditions applicable to the allocation of teaching duties at EPFL for courses appearing on Bachelor and Master study plans and for doctoral and continuing education programmes. For information on this subject, please contact the Registrar’s Office.

Effective on 01.09.2013
Status as of 25.01.2021
Human Resources, Scientific Staff

This directive concerns the terms of employment for doctoral assistants and scientific assistants, a fixed-term contract being applicable in any case for both these categories. Doctoral assistants are considered to have an equivalent status to researchers although they are still studying, whereas scientific assistants work on projects for a maximum duration of 3 years.
Application Rule of 1st October 2006
Job Description of 1st October 2006

Effective on 01.10.2005
Status as of 03.04.2023
Human Resources, Scientific Staff

Scientists make an active contribution to education and research. They may be employed on the basis of either a fixed-term contract (CDD) for a maximum period of 4 years or a contract of indeterminate duration (CDI).

Effective on 01.10.2005
Status as of 03.04.2023

The aim of this directive is to specify the academic level and promote the career and professional mobility of scientists. EPFL therefore defines academic titles corresponding to different levels, establishing the process for the awarding of these titles. It deals with academic titles only. It does not deal with the function or employment conditions of scientists.

Effective on 01.03.2004
Status as of 15.02.2023

This directive governs the employment and work of student assistants, construction assistants and temporary assistants at EPFL. In the absence of specific provisions, this directive applies to all categories of student assistants. Only the specific aspects of each category will be regulated separately.

Effective on 01.04.2010
Status as of 13.09.2022

This Statement of Intent and related Redundancy Plan apply in the event of restructuring. Apart from reorganisations, restructuring includes the departure of professors (emeritus) and measures taken following audits resulting in the loss of jobs or significant changes in activities imposed by operational requirements or changes in research objectives.

Effective on 01.12.2011
Status as of 01.12.2011
Human Resources, HR Competences

This Statement of Intent and related Redundancy Plan apply in the event of restructuring. Apart from reorganisations, restructuring includes the departure of professors (emeritus) and measures taken following audits resulting in the loss of jobs or significant changes in activities imposed by operational requirements or changes in research objectives.

Effective on 01.12.2011
Status as of 15.08.2023
Human Resources, HR Competences

These regulations describe the organisation of Human Resources at EPFL, as well as the principal HR procedures and competences. It is valid for both Central Services and the Schools and Colleges.

Effective on 01.10.2003
Status as of 15.03.2022
Human Resources, Social Security and Pensions

This ordinance determines the composition, election and organisation of the Parity Commission of the Swiss Federal Pension Fund.

Effective on 02.05.2007
Status as of 01.07.2008
Human Resources, Social Security and Pensions

On the site « Classified Compilation of Federal Legislation », you will find all the legal texts concerning social security.

Effective on 30.11.-0001
Status as of 30.11.-0001
Finance & Purchases, Financial Management

This ordinance determines the instruments necessary for the budgetary management of the Confederation.

Effective on 05.04.2006
Status as of 01.01.2018
Finance & Purchases, Financial Management

This ordinance determines the general accounting principles applicable to institutions of the EPF Domain, particularly with regard to accounting standards, principles of evaluation of assets and liabilities and presentation of annual accounts.

Effective on 05.12.2014
Status as of 01.05.2017
Finance & Purchases, Financial Management

The Accounting Manual for the ETH Domain (in French and German only) lays out the accounting principles set by the Ordonnance du Conseil des EPF sur la comptabilité du domaine des EPF (RS 414.123) and which are applicable to EPFL. It notably covers (non-exhaustive list):
- The content of the balance sheet and profit and loss accounts, as well as their principles for recognition and measurement;
- The materiality threshold;
- The management rules for third-party financing;
- The principles of integration (consolidation) of units in the consolidated accounts for EPFL.

Effective on 01.01.2018
Status as of 06.10.2023
Finance & Purchases, Financial Management

This document defines all the financial rules and directives that determine the tasks, responsibilities and competences as well as the regulations for ensuring a healthy, effective and transparent management of EPFL financial resources.
The document “Directives du CEPF sur les participations dans des entreprises au sein du domaine des EPF” (ETH Board guidelines on shareholding in companies within the ETH Domain) sets out in particular the types of shareholding, requirements for the establishment of entities, funding and management of investments, controlling obligations as well as the duty to inform the ETH Board and provide access to information.

Effective on 12.03.2012
Status as of 01.01.2022
Finance & Purchases, Credit Cards

This directive defines the rules for use of the EPFL provided credit (purchasing) cards. It applies to:
- purchasing credit cards made available to all EPFL cost centres and are mainly used for online purchasing;
- personal credit cards made available to the members of the extended EPFL senior managment, as well as School Deans and College Directors. This method of payment is similar to an expense claim.

Effective on 06.10.2003
Status as of 01.02.2024
Finance & Purchases, Travel and Reimbursement of Expenses

This directive describes the rules applicable to the organisation of professional travel, the purchase of services and the reimbursement of travel and other expenses. The present regulations concerning expenses apply to all persons exercising an activity at EPFL.

Effective on 01.03.2007
Status as of 01.01.2023
Finance & Purchases, Investment Policy

This agreement defines the general principles regarding remuneration and the investment of third-party funds of institutions of the EPF Domain.

Effective on 01.08.2021
Status as of 01.08.2021
Finance & Purchases, Investment Policy

This directive defines the principles of the investment policy for third-party funds and the tasks, competences and responsibilities of the bodies in charge of fund management and supervision.

Effective on 01.08.2021
Status as of 01.08.2021
Finance & Purchases, Investment Policy

The aim of the cash management manual is to :
- Specify the rules regarding management of cash activities from both the strategic and operational points of view, particularly financial risk management (foreign currency and investments);
- Specify the roles, responsibilities and competences of all the persons involved ;
- Describe the main operational processes concerning cash and the key stages ;
- Constitute an ICS basis for this process.

Effective on 14.06.2010
Status as of 22.11.2021
Finance & Purchases, Purchases and Inventories

This act governs the tendering procedures concerning public markets for supplies, services and construction work and ensures their transparency. In addition, the act promotes competition between tenderers, encourages the economic use of public funds and guarantees the equal treatment of all tenderers.

Effective on 21.06.2019
Status as of 01.01.2021
Finance & Purchases, Purchases and Inventories

This ordinance regulates tendering procedures concerning public markets in accordance with the law, other Confederation markets, project competition and competition concerning studies and execution.

Effective on 12.02.2020
Status as of 01.01.2021
Finance & Purchases, Purchases and Inventories

This document defines the rules and procedures for EPFL purchases and inventory, and the tasks of the various persons involved in the purchase of goods or services on behalf of EPFL, regardless of their source of financing.

Effective on 01.06.2019
Status as of 20.12.2023

This directive explains the procedure to be followed when a laboratory needs to acquire equipment or other goods and services in a potential situation of conflict of interest:
- because the market concerns a spin-off;
- in the event of participation in the board of directors of the company concerned or consultancy;
- because employees have an interest in the company concerned.
It would be paradoxical and counterproductive to wish to exclude the possibility for a laboratory to acquire equipment, goods and services that are the result of its own work.
It is on the other hand essential to ensure that the legal framework outlined above be respected and that questions concerning possible conflicts of interest be settled.

Effective on 15.04.2010
Status as of 25.01.2021
Finance & Purchases, Purchases and Inventories

This directive lays out the rules and procedures concerning EPFL inventories and the roles and responsibilities of the various actors involved in the management of equipment entered in the inventory (or requiring entry in the inventory). This directive is applicable to all EPFL employees.

Effective on 01.06.2019
Status as of 01.12.2023
Information Technology, Security of Information Systems

The PSSI stresses everyone's responsibilities in the proper use of resources and information provided by EPFL. The PSSI - is the expression of the will of the EPFL Direction in the field of information security - provides guidance in drafting related directives - provides guidance in developing protective measures for areas not subject to a directive. The PSSI will ultimately enhance the security level by involving all stakeholders in information systems. The PSSI affects all users of EPFL information systems, regardless of the communication channels used, as well as any information created by EPFL or entrusted to it and removed from the scope of information systems.

Effective on 02.06.2014
Status as of 15.03.2021
Information Technology, Directives concerning use

The aim of the present directive is to ensure that all Employees' use of Private Computer Equipment for Professional Purposes is compliant with the applicable legal framework, does not prevent EPFL from carrying out its missions and does not leave EPFL open to liability. This directive also aims to prevent possible abuse.

Effective on 01.06.2019
Status as of 15.03.2021
Information Technology, Directives concerning use

This policy defines the use of EPFL electronic infrastructure compliant with its mission and seeks to prevent abuses. It is applicable to any person using this infrastructure.

Additional rules for the attention of external persons with access to EPFL’s IT system.

Effective on 13.11.2014
Status as of 15.03.2021
Information Technology, Directives concerning use

The objective of this Ordinance is to guarantee that software is used in accordance with the law and with the relevant licenses, and to prevent related abuse.

Effective on 01.12.2018
Status as of 25.01.2021
Information Technology, Networks

All machines connected to the EPFL network use the domain name epfl.ch. In some specific cases, it may be justified to make EPFL IT equipment accessible via a domain name other than epfl.ch. The directive explains how domain names are managed and the methods to be used.

Effective on 25.05.2021
Status as of 25.05.2021

This guidebook promulgated by the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) deals first and foremost with the main network applications, the traces which they leave, the interests at stake for employers and the technical protection measures which the latter may take. It goes on to outline the current legal framework and states under which terms web surfing and e-mail may be monitored by employers. If further draws attention to the consequences of misusing Internet and of illegal surveillance. The main points are summarised in various enclosures providing diagrams and model rules and regulations.

Effective on 01.10.2013
Status as of 01.10.2013
Information Technology, Web and Email

This directive stipulates who is entitled to send a collective email and the conditions that must be respected.

Annex 1

Effective on 25.06.2007
Status as of 20.12.2021
Information Technology, Recycling and Sale of Equipment

When a unit no longer has any use for an item of IT equipment, several recycling possibilities are described in the above directive. If staff members wish to acquire an item of EPFL equipment that is considered obsolete and unsuitable for professional purposes, they must submit a request using the above form; the unit undertakes to remove any software legally belonging to EPFL.

Effective on 01.06.2019
Status as of 24.01.2022

The ordinance concerning the real estate management and logistics of the Confederation determines the tasks and competences of the federal administration units and the Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics (FBL). The strategic objectives are optimisation of the long-term cost/utility ratio of buildings and logistic goods and improvement of cost transparency by encouraging economical behaviour taking life cycle costs into account.

Effective on 05.12.2008
Status as of 01.01.2016

This directive lays down provisions concerning real estate management and the respective strategies valid for the entire EPF domain.
It is issued by the Delegate of the ETH Board and describes particularly :
- real estate strategy ;
- conducting of real estate management ;
- elaboration of services ;
- support functions.

Effective on 01.01.2016
Status as of 01.01.2016

Rules concerning cofinancing for EPFL Domain construction projects.

Effective on 29.01.2008
Status as of 14.05.2008

The present directive sets out the basic rules applicable for processing donations and sponsorships intended for the construction, acquisition and maintenance of real estate assets of Federal Institutes of Technology and research institutes

Effective on 01.01.2008
Status as of 01.01.2008
Infrastructures, Mobile Telephony

This directive defines the competences regarding mobile phones and rules concerning the allocation, use, management and monitoring of mobile phones. This concerns the possibility of calling or being called by mobile phone, from anywhere on the EPFL site, as well as in zones covered by Swisscom in Switzerland and abroad (via roaming).

Effective on 30.09.2005
Status as of 15.03.2021

This document comprises all the rules concerning access to EPFL car parks, the definition of authorised persons and the prices applicable for parking cards and ticket machines.

Effective on 01.01.2016
Status as of 25.01.2021

With the intention of encouraging the community life and activities of EPFL students and optimising relations between EPFL and these associations, this document stipulates the general principles that must be respected by the associations for them to be recognised by EPFL. The objective of this recognition is to make the granting of certain advantages such as the financial or logistic support of EPFL subject to certain conditions. It is not a condition for exercising the freedom of association at EPFL.

Effective on 01.02.2018
Status as of 15.03.2021

This document describes the conditions under which the Mediacom reception group organises events such as congresses, conferences, exhibitions, student festivities, etc. by arranging the logistics and coordination between the EPFL services concerned. It includes an updated schedule of events, requests for reserving premises, equipment, etc. and complete files on each event.

Effective on 01.07.1999
Status as of 01.11.2001

These provisions define the conditions under which EPFL authorises the consumption and sale of alcoholic drinks within the framework of events organised by students on its site. EPFL implements measures to prevent and reduce the risks linked with alcohol consumption.

Effective on 01.09.2007
Status as of 15.03.2021

These provisions define the conditions under which EPFL authorises the consumption and sale of cigarettes within the framework of events organised by students on its site, as well as sponsoring by cigarette manufacturers in the context of events organised at EPFL.

Effective on 01.09.2007
Status as of 15.03.2021

The use of the EPFL logo, even by an entity recognised by the institution, is not an automatic right but is subject to authorisation. These provisions define the authorisation procedure for use of the EPFL logo.

Effective on 01.09.2007
Status as of 15.03.2021
Education, Study rules and regulations

The detailed study plans indicate, for each term, the courses to be followed, as well as available options, together with the number of hours and credits.

The study regulations set out the rules of application for the organization and evaluation of studies.

Adopted annually for the new academic year.

Effective September 1st of each year.

These regulations define the conditions under which EPFL shall bear all or part of the court costs and legal fees incurred by professors or employees should they become involved in civil, administrative or criminal proceedings. This document also defines the procedure applicable for submitting a request for such financial assistance.

Effective on 28.01.2020
Status as of 28.01.2020

The present ordinance governs the organisation of the conciliation commission provided for by the federal law on equality for personnel of the ETH Domain and for professors of the two cantonal universities (ETHs). The conciliation commission informs and advises parties in case of dispute within the scope of application of the legislation on equality. It aims to help parties to reach an agreement. 

The commission is attached to the ETH Board administratively and is not bound by instructions. It comprises a president and four members, along with four deputy members. It has an equal number of men and women members and deputy members.

Effective on 01.03.2020
Status as of 01.03.2020

The present ordinance lays out the rules concerning remuneration and other financial benefits received by members of the EPFL Direction, including income from ancillary activities.

Effective on 19.12.2003
Status as of 19.12.2003
Governance, Organisation of EPFL

Exonération de l'Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) en matière d'impôts sur les successions et sur les donations.

Effective on 15.07.2020
Status as of 15.07.2020

This directive completes the Financial Regulations. It defines rules, roles and responsibilities relating to the classification, planning and use of the School reserves.

Effective on 01.08.2020
Status as of 12.07.2021

Due to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the present rules and regulations aim to implement an exceptional extension to the deadlines regarding mid-term reviews and the submission of applications as provided for in the Rules and Regulations Concerning EPFL Tenure-Track Assistant Professors of 4th May 2004 (LEX 4.2.1), as well as other suitable arrangements relating to Tenure-Track Assistant Professors.

Effective on 22.09.2020
Status as of 01.03.2023

The present rules and regulations define the organisation of the associated EPFL campuses and govern the responsibilities and duties of these bodies.

Effective on 15.02.2021
Status as of 15.02.2021

The Directives on the representation of the student body at EPFL lay out the capacity and context of student representation at EPFL. These Directives notably govern the role of Class Representatives.

Effective on 09.02.2021
Status as of 09.02.2021

This ordinance governs the awarding of study grants by the EPFL.

Two kinds of study grant are awarded:

- Social grants, intended for individuals experiencing financial difficulties; ;

- EPFL Excellence Fellowships.

Effective on 02.08.2021
Status as of 15.09.2021
Research & Tech Transfer, Research Commission

This document defines the missions and the organization of this commission

Effective on 01.10.2021
Status as of 20.05.2024

This directive specifies which entities are responsible for awarding study grants (social grants and EPFL Excellence Fellowships) within EPFL. In particular, it defines the composition of the Social Committee and the Committees for EPFL Excellence Fellowships.

Effective on 01.11.2021
Status as of 01.11.2021
Governance, Schools and Colleges

These regulations define the structure of the coordination of workshops located both on the Lausanne campus and on the associated campuses

Effective on 01.12.2021
Status as of 01.12.2021
Governance, Organisation of EPFL

The EPFL strategic plan outlines the priorities which will guide EPFL for the 2021-2024 period with the aim of achieving its vision.

Effective on 01.01.2021
Status as of 01.01.2021
Governance, Organisation of EPFL

The agreement on objectives concluded with the ETH Board outlines the plans and projects of strategic importance for EPFL for the 2021-2024 period.

Effective on 13.04.2021
Status as of 13.04.2021
Human Resources, All employees

The present regulations define the conditions and implementing measures for teleworking. The present regulations lay out the principles necessary for the implementation of teleworking.

Annex 1

Effective on 01.03.2022
Status as of 01.03.2022

The present regulations are intended to define the competencies regarding administrative, civil and criminal proceedings brought by or against EPFL.

Effective on 15.03.2022
Status as of 15.03.2022

This document sets out the fees EPFL charges to students for various Registrar services.

Effective on 15.03.2022
Status as of 15.03.2022

This directive sets out the reserves policy in effect within the ETH Domain.

Effective on 15.12.2019
Status as of 15.12.2019
Governance, Schools and Colleges

These regulations define the structure, organization and life cycle of the EPFL centers and govern their areas of expertise and responsibilities.

· Annex 1: List of Centers and Areas of Expertise

· Annex 2: Procedure for Evaluating Centers

Effective on 15.07.2022
Status as of 15.07.2022
Finance & Purchases, Travel and Reimbursement of Expenses

This directive sets out the rules and procedures for business travel. It applies to all scientific, administrative and technical staff carrying out a paid professional activity at EPFL as well as to guests of EPFL.

Effective on 01.01.2023
Status as of 01.01.2024
Finance & Purchases, Travel and Reimbursement of Expenses

This directive sets out the rules and procedures for student travel. It applies to EPFL units organising and/or financing academic travel, to all bachelor, master and continuing education students registered at EPFL, and to student associations recognised by  EPFL.

Effective on 01.01.2023
Status as of 01.01.2023
Governance, Organisation of EPFL

These regulations determine the organization of the Academic Strategic Committee that is an advisory body of the Vice-presidency for Academic Affairs and of the Direction.

Effective on 01.01.2023
Status as of 01.01.2023
Governance, Organisation of EPFL

The purpose of this Directive is to define the framework and governance of EPFL’s interactions with the Alumni community, the organisation and role of the Alumni Council, the organisation and role of the chapters and clubs, the operation of the community management platform and the alumni management information system, as well as the processing of personal data.

Effective on 04.01.2023
Status as of 04.01.2023
Human Resources, All employees

The purpose of these Regulations is to define the principles and rules applicable to the On-Call Service during the week, at night, on Sundays and on public holidays.

Effective on 01.05.2023
Status as of 01.05.2023
Governance, Report instances

The aim of this Directive is to designate the bodies that may be contacted in the event of psychosocial risks (such as psychological or sexual harassment and other attacks on personality)  and to set out the EPFL’s internal procedure for handling such cases. The Directive also specifies the support measures available to persons who have been exposed to psychosocial risks and the sanctions imposed on persons found to be responsible for acts which have failed to respect the health or personality of others.

Effective on 01.06.2023
Education, Study and examination rules

These regulations set the examination rules for the EPFL admission exam.

This document is not available in English. The admission exam is conducted in French.

Effective on 01.09.2023

This directive governs the awarding of the title of Professor of Practice at EPFL.

The title Professor of Practice may be awarded to individuals from outside the EPFL who hold leading positions in the public or private sector, who have an interest in student training and academic initiatives and who, by virtue of their proven expertise and extensive experience, are in a position to contribute to expanding the range of practice-oriented studies and to furthering the transfer of knowledge between science and practice.

Effective on 01.10.2023
Status as of 01.10.2023

This directive regulates the processing of personal data of personnel within the domain of the ETH Domain. It covers various aspects such as informing staff about data processing, responsibility and competence for data processing, rights of access to data, data security, rules applicable to personnel files and the use of information systems to manage personnel data.

Effective on 08.12.2022
Status as of 01.09.2023

This Directive governs the evaluation process and criteria as well as the general terms and conditions for the appointment of professors who remain in their post beyond the legal retirement age.

Effective on 01.01.2024

This directive aims to implement concrete measures to reduce energy consumption (electricity and gas) on all its campuses in the event of activation of the OSTRAL plan, in accordance with Swiss legal obligations. This directive comes into force on the date of entry into force of the OSTRAL ordinances.

As regards the situation of contracts of all types in the event of an OSTRAL situation, an internal memo provides guidelines on how to proceed.

These rules and regulations set out the conditions for the reimbursement of removal expenses and the granting of additional benefits linked to the recruitment of new teachers.

Effective on 01.10.2024

This ordinance defines the criteria for limiting admission, set by the ETH Board at 3000 places, to the first semester of the Bachelor's programme at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). It applies to foreign applicants who do not have a residence permit for Switzerland (permit C) or a residence permit for European workers and their immediate families. It provides for a selection system based on available places and academic criteria. It comes into force on 1 December 2024 and is valid for the 4 academic years from 2025 to 2028.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Effective on 01.12.2024