Job search

Training and advice

If you haven’t yet, you should attend our various workshops and seminars. Each of them is proposed at least once per semester, in French and/or in English. You will find the list of upcoming training events for the current semester in our Memento.
PhD students close to completing their thesis or recently graduated are encouraged to attend our two-day course organised by the Staff Training Service called “Tackling the job market successfully.”
If you face problems while seeking work, you can also ask for an individual advisory meeting with a Career Center advisor.

Job offers is our dedicated job platform for architecture, engineering and management positions. It is the first place to turn to when you start looking for a job.


As an EPFL graduate, you are welcome to join our EPFL Alumni group on LinkedIn, where you can stay in touch with EPFL classmates and friends and enlarge your professionnal network. Do not hesitate to tap into this unique resource and to ask for career advice from more senior Alumni. Our community has now more than 10 000 members!

Only holders of one of the following EPUL or EPFL titles may apply for membership: Ingénieur diplômé, Architecte diplômé, Mathématicien diplômé, Physicien diplômé, Chimiste diplômé, Master of Science (as per Federal Ordinance RS 414.132.3), Master of Arts (as per Federal Ordinance RS 414.132.3), Doctor, PhD.


  • EPFL Master students in their last term (Master thesis) and EPFL PhD candidates in their fourth year (or more) may apply. Admission to the group is temporary until graduation. Failure to graduate will result in removal from the group
  • Holders of a Bachelor from EPFL may aslo apply if they hold a Master degree from another University or if they can testify to 3 full years of work experience.

The EPFL Alumni group is managed by the Career Center. Compliance with these requirements is verified prior to acceptance into the Group.

You should also consider to become a contributor to the EPFL Alumni service. They deliver career services to all Alumni and also organise regular networking and professionnal events through their local chapters, in Switzerland and worldwide.