
To carry out its missions of education, research and innovation, EPFL relies on strong values of respect.

At EPFL, we want to ensure that staff, students and researchers can get the psychological help and support they need to achieve their full potential. Find details of the mental health and well-being services available to EPFL community members.

Respect for others

EPFL’s strength is rooted in its extraordinary diversity. Consideration that we show for each other is an indicator of our own worth. Do not remain indifferent in the event of harassment, violence or discrimination.

Sustainability is a priority that manifests itself on many levels at EPFL, transversally, through campus operations. This networking also relies on the commitment of each and every one of us to make our school a healthy place.

Against harassment, violence and discrimination

We take allegations of harassment very seriously. Everyone in the EPFL community must respect the personal dignity and integrity of their colleagues and contribute, through their behavior, to a motivating work atmosphere and a respectful team spirit.

Awareness, Support and Complaints

The Switzerland-wide Sexual Harassment Awareness Day aims to help build a harassment-free university environment. In 2024, EPFL organized a poster campaign and two forum theater performances for its community.

Illustration représentant le Trust Support network de l'EPFL sous la forme d'un parapluie © EPFL

The Trust and Support Network (TSN) offers listening, guidance and support in complete confidentiality. It is composed of internal and external instances with a mandate to provide assistance in situations related to psychosocial risks.

Sept mongolfières avec chacune une lettre, volant dans le ciel et formant le mot "Respect" © EPFL

The Respect Compliance Office (RCO) can be contacted by any person who feels that his or her physical or mental health and/or personal integrity have been affected by acts such as sexual harassment, mobbing, discrimination, violence, etc. in the workplace or at school.

Psychological harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination: be aware of the precise definitions and the legal bases in this area.

We offer different support spaces with specific contacts for EPFL students, PhD students and employees.

The procedure for resolving a case of psychological or sexual harassment can involve either an informal resolution or a formal complaint. Don’t wait to act if you have a concern.

Learn how to identify inappropriate behaviors and how to react to situations that cannot be tolerated. This e-learning module is part of the “EPFL Essentials”, which all community members should follow.

The Task Force “Harassement A-Z & Promoting a Culture of Respect” has been set up in 2021 to put in place prevention and support measures, and to ensure that the handling and management of situations meet the highest standards.

Campagne Respect @ EPFL - Agence Etienne Etienne

In the framework of the Task Force “Harassment A-Z & Promoting a Culture of Respect”, a communication campaign has been launched at the start of the 2021 academic year. There have been new assets designed every year since then to raise awareness of the new resources implemented.