Wild edible plants walk

An azure butterfly on a knapweed © EPFL 2024 Guillaume Rueff

All the events on this page are open to the public off-campus.

Wild plants that are edible to humans can be found in most environments, including urbanised ones such as our campus. Their edibility is a forgotten tradition that has become a science that is still little studied.

Grab a notebook and a pencil and let’s go and learn how to recognise these plants. You’ll see them everywhere afterwards!

If it’s raining, there’s even a sheltered route option, so no need to cancel! I’ll send you an email with the meeting place in that case.

At the end of each month, the walks for the following month will appear, all year round.

Walks for July 2024

  • Tuesday 9 July, 12-13pm, meeting point in front of the BI building, near the Travel Less exhibition cubes
  • Wednesday 17 July, 12-13pm, meeting by the lake at Dorigny, at the end of the avenue of large plane trees
  • Monday 22 July from 12-13pm, meet in front of the Swiss Tech Convention Centre to visit the Sorge forest and river

All booked up already? Leave me your email address and I’ll let you know about future tours.

You are a group of five people or more and would like a walk at another date ? Write me different possible dates and hours: [email protected].


Would you like to create a joint, tailor-made event for a course, a training program, an event that you are organising, or something else? Write to me to make your idea a reality.


Guillaume Rueff

[email protected]