EPFL Human Resources Department is a key enabler that allows the institution to fulfil its missions to the best of its ability and ensures that every member of staff is able to contribute to these missions while at the same time fulfilling his or her potential.
Improvement measures 2024
Published on July 30th, 2023; update on March 15th, 2024
A new concept for post-tenure review will be tested as a pilot project involving 20 Associate and Full Professors, School Deans, and College Directors.
Published on July 30th, 2023
The well-being of EPFL employees is a key concern for the EPFL Direction. In order to measure general satisfaction, the EPFL Direction carried out a satisfaction survey of all staff in spring 2023. The results of this survey, which was conducted by the Human Resources Department, will be shared at the start of the 2023–2024 school year. Areas for improvement will be identified and proposed during the fall semester, in conjunction with the mental health survey, in order to implement concrete actions that address the findings of both surveys. EPFL’s Engagement Survey was completed by 2,352 employees from all staff
categories, for a 40% participation rate. The satisfaction rate was 70%. The full survey report, together with a summary of the results, of measures the School has taken and of next steps, is now available on Intranet.
More information: Quality Assurance
Updated on December 3rd, 2024, Ewa Mariéthoz