Vice Presidencies

Photo de la direction de l'EPFL. De gauche à droite: Edouard Bugnion, Françoise Bommensatt, Ambrogio Fasoli, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Stéphanie P. Lacour, Matthias GÀumann, Marianne Wannier © Nicolas Righetti, Lundi13, 2024
Photo of the EPFL Direction. From left to right: Edouard Bugnion, Françoise Bommensatt, Ambrogio Fasoli, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Stéphanie P. Lacour, Matthias GÀumann, Marianne Wannier © Nicolas Righetti, Lundi13, 2024

EPFL’s vice presidencies coordinate the School’s activities. Each one is led by a vice president who is part of the School’s management team.

Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs (VPA)

The VPA is responsible for maintaining EPFL’s high standards of excellence in education and research. It operates through four associate vice presidencies.

Vue du bùtiment BI, reconnaissable par sa façade aux couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel © EPFL/Alain Herzog

Vice Presidency for Finances (VPF)

The VPF is responsible for developing and implementing EPFL’s financial strategy. It oversees financial planning, controlling, accounting and treasury operations.

Vue sur l'Agora Lombard Odier, à l'EPFL. Des membres de l'EPFL profitent du soleil pour manger à l'extérieur sur les marches. A droite de l'image, un totem avec le logo de l'EPFL - 2022 EPFL/Xurxo Adriån Entenza - CC-BY-SA 4.0

Vice Presidency for Human Development (VPH)

The VPH manages our HR policy and employee development programs and supports the teams at our School that work for the well-being of our entire community.

Vue aérienne de l'EPFL Innovation Park: plusieurs bùtiments, des pelouses, des arbres et des sentiers © EPFL innovation Park

Vice Presidency for Innovation and Impact (VPI)

The VPI builds bridges between our School, local businesses, society and the economy, helping ensure that the innovations we’re involved in contribute to a brighter future.

Vue aérienne de l'EPFL © Jamani Caillet / EPFL, 2022

Vice Presidency for Operations (VPO)

The VPO is the department that ensures all EPFL campuses run smoothly, from their restaurants and facilities to their IT and security systems.

Des étudiantes et des étudiants devant des prototypes durant le LauzHack Solutions 4 Sustainability du 25 mars 2023 © 2023 EPFL/Alain Herzog

Vice Presidency for Support to Strategic Initiatives (VPS)

The VPS helps turn our community’s ambitious ideas into concrete initiatives aimed at resolving modern-day challenges.