Associate Vice Presidency for Centers and Platforms (AVP-CP)

@ EPFL: Center of Micronanotechnology (CMi)

Some breaking news!

March 27th, 2024

The Associate Vice-President for Centers and Platforms

Anna Fontcuberta i Morral to be the next EPFL president
(starting January 2025)

May 16th, 2024

The first Symposium on Research & Sustainability

“Exploring Solutions to the Environmental Crisis”

About the AVP-CP

AVP-CP mission is to coordinate and promote the activity of research centres and technology platforms at EPFL, to ensure excellence in knowledge creation and the sharing of competencies and resources.

Centers and platforms boost synergies and regroup resources to support EPFL’s research, teaching and innovation missions go beyond state of the art

Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Associate Vice President for Centers and Platetforms

Services & Units

@AVP-CP communications

Centers create networks, collaborations and synergies between researchers and students around state-of-the-art scientific subjects. They build bridges between researchers at EPFL and other academic institutions, foster innovation and contribute to advance and share knowledge on specific themes within and beyond the academic world.

The Associate Vice Presidency for Centers and Platforms (AVP-CP) has issued new regulations aimed at achieving consistency in the way EPFL’s centers operate and are governed.

↓ Check out all affiliated centers at the bottom of this page

Platforms provide access to cutting-edge technical infrastructure and knowhow expertise to EPFL scientists and students to perform their research making optimal use of resources. They are also a place where knowledge and knowhow are shared and where EPFL contributes to the advancement of state-of-the-art techniques.

↓ Check out all affiliated platforms at the bottom of this page

The unit coordinates the acquisition of major scientific equipment at EPFL, manages financial aspects of large research projects, and oversees the management of technological platforms and of transdisciplinary and inter-instituional entities.

17 Research Centers

The Bernoulli Center for Fundamental Studies (see video) aims to foster excellence and promote research in the fundamental sciences, combining mathematics, physics and computer sciences.

The goal of the Blue Brain Project is to build biologically detailed digital reconstructions and simulations of the mouse brain.

Affiliated with UNIL and EPFL, CLIMACT (see video) was officially launched in June 2021. The center’s main objective is to promote climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions through a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach.

The EPFL Center for Imaging (see video) strives to accelerate discoveries in imaging and translate them to applications, favoring the reliance on shared tools and resources for the EPFL community.

The QSE Center (see video) operates as a hub to establish and promote programs for cross-disciplinary research, education and innovation in the fields of quantum science and engineering at EPFL.

The mission of the CEN (see video) is to promote energy research led by EPFL, by challenging state-of-the-art technologies and addressing society’s challenges together to shape tomorrow’s energy system.

Montreux Jazz Digital Project and Beyond: Preserving and adding value to Swiss audiovisual heritage through research, innovation and education

The design research centre creating impact from emerging technologies (see video)

The centers mission is to provide world-class leadership for, and to drive innovation in, resilient, efficient, secure and trustworthy data platforms and technologies. Check-out short presentation (video)

A center of excellence in space technologies, research, education and innovation at EPFL (short presentation in video)

A center that is harnessing science and technology to drive sustainable development, humanitarian action and peace – Check out their short presentation (video)

CECAM center promotes fundamental research on advanced computational methods and their application to important problems in frontier areas of science and technology – Video

EPFL research centre whose DNA is digital and excellence in Research, Training and Innovation across an entire continent: Africa.

EPFL research center in integrative Food and nutrition with the mission to maximise the positive environmental and societal impact of the science and technologies developed in the school in relation to the food systems

IMI is an academia-industry alliance founded and supported by EPFL, SRG SSR and Triangle Azur to support media companies in their digital evolution – Short presentation (video)

The center accompany the academic community and the industrial sector in their data science journey, putting to work AI and ML and facilitating the multidisciplinary exchange of data and knowledge

The center’s activities include research on technologies that can be rapidly implemented in the building and construction sectors to achieve strong impact on a global scale in reducing carbon emissions and using local resources, and educating professionals who will advance and promote sustainable practices in the construction industry globally

8 Technology Platforms


AVP-CP secretary
Monika Salas
[email protected]
MXC 336 (Bâtiment MXC)
Station 12
CH-1015 Lausanne

Deputy to the associate vice-president for centers and platforms
Fatine Ezbakhe
[email protected]

AVP-CP IT Coordinator
Gaël Anex

AVP-CP Communications Manager
Lalla Myriam Mercier Lamrani

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