Associate Vice Presidency for Doctoral and Lifelong Education (AVP-DLE)

About the AVP-DLE

Within the Vice Presidency for Academic Affairs, the AVP-DLE brings together the Doctoral School (EDOC) and the Extension School (EXTS).

EPFL’s Doctoral School is organized into 22 doctoral programs, each covering a well-established discipline or an innovative field of interdisciplinary research. These programs form vibrant scientific communities that promote the exchange of scientific ideas and progress.

The AVP-DLE covers also EPFL’s continuing education (Extension School). Professionals need to continually stay abreast of the latest developments in today’s fast-moving society. It is, therefore, essential for them to continue learning throughout their careers.

Along with the other Associate Vice Presidencies, the AVP-DLE commits to meeting current and future challenges in education and the needs of the postgraduate student community.

Prof. Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Associate Vice-president for Doctoral and Lifelong Education

Live as you were to die tomorrow, learn as you were to live forever.

Ghandi, Lawyer, Politician, philosopher


EPFL’s Doctoral School offers its doctoral candidates an excellent training environment, with customized doctoral programs, cutting-edge laboratories run by world-renowned professors, a modern fast-developing campus, satellite sites in several French-speaking cantons, and close ties to industry.

EPFL’s Extension School offers a range of continuing education courses that can lead to a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS), Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) or Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS), as well as various preparatory classes and non-degree programs designed to cover specific topics. We have also introduced a Certificate of Open Studies (COS) program that allows people to study science and engineering subjects without necessarily having a prior diploma.


AVP-DLE Administration

Hélène Laurens
Tél: +41 21 693 33 02

CE 1 628
Station 1
CH-1015 Lausanne

Deputies to the Associate Vice President for Doctoral and Lifelong Education

Doctoral Education
Philip Mair

Lifelong Education
Rigas Hadzilacos

Access map