Following a consultation with the EPFL Direction, faculty members and the EPFL Assembly, the EPFL President mandates the development of an EPFL Strategic Plan and then signs a Target Agreement with the ETH Board. He is accountable for achieving these objectives at the Dialogue Meeting.
Improvement measures 2024
Published on March 17th, 2024
EPFL data stories help people discover EPFL’s current affairs with facts and figures. Analysing internal and external data frames ongoing issues in their context and facilitates evidence-based decision-making. The data stories highlight EPFL’s point of view on relevant topics and summarise the main results
The academic dialogues have demonstrated the need to closely involve the academic community in strategic decisions. An Academic Strategic Committee has been set up for this purpose.
Published on July 11th, 2023
Published on July 11th, 2023
In 2020, EPFL’s institutional accreditation process revealed that communications about quality assurance has to be improved. To remedy this, the EPFL Direction has set up a Quality Commission. Under its auspices, several measures are being implemented. For example, new employees are now informed of the principles of quality assurance through a Compliance Guide, which contains the essential rules, practices and values that apply at EPFL.
Published on July 11th, 2023
In response to the Swiss Federal Council’s Open Science strategy, which was initiated in 2017, EPFL has launched its own strategy, set up an Open Science Strategic Committee and introduced a series of related training courses. As part of this strategy, authors affiliated to EPFL are required to deposit a version of each of their publications in Infoscience, the EPFL archive.
More information:
Updated on December 3rd, 2024, Ewa Mariéthoz