Controlling Department

The Controlling Department (CDG) ensures that EPFL’s governing bodies have the information they require to take decisions on the School’s financial resources and monitor their impact. Composed of two groups (reporting and budgetary funds – third party funds), it coordinates the relationship between the VPF and the financial managers from the different Vice Presidencies, faculties, colleges as well as other related entities. The Controlling Department plays a leading role, in collaboration with all employees involved in EPFL’s financial management, in the continuous improvement of processes, procedures and management tools.


Marc Bachelot

What is the budget status? Is there enough financial leeway to launch a new initiative? How can we better manage resources? These are few of the many questions that are asked daily to the School's members. The Controlling Department’s fifteen employees contribute to providing answers and implementing ever more sophisticated processes.

Marc Bachelot, Finance Director.


Our main missions

Internal financial reporting: budget control, quarterly reporting to the Directorate, management control of faculties and branches.

Financial reporting to donors:: management of third-party funds, reporting to The ETH Board, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the European Community as well as other donors.

Coordination, counseling and School’s financial management.



icone remboursement

Funds management

Find here all the necessary information you need to understand and manage the different types of funds.


Working Group GT14

GT14 is a working group of financial managers and representatives of the VPF. It meets monthly under the chairmanship of the Finance Director, Marc Bachelot. These sessions facilitate communication and the exchange of good practices.


Financial managers

The financial managers of the Vice-presidencies, Faculties & Colleges as well as the Controlling Department are at your disposal to provide you with financial management related advices in order to run your unit/department.

VP/School Manager email Telephone number
PRES Maud Vernez [email protected] 34524
CDH Anna Passy [email protected] 37175
CDM Shirit Cohen [email protected] 37929
ENAC Laurent Gaillard [email protected] 33212
IC Camille Mayoly [email protected] 30327
SB Yolanda Bühlmann [email protected] 33303
STI Audrey Barras [email protected] 36921
SV Harald Hirling [email protected] 35363

Gladys Chane-Woon-Ming
Pier Paolo Paganini

[email protected]
[email protected]


VPI Natacha Putallaz [email protected] 31410
VPF Marc Bachelot [email protected] 34787
VPO Sandra Henrich
Luc Tritten
[email protected]
[email protected]
VPT Gian Lienhard [email protected] 39062