Head of Procurement
The Procurement Team at your service
“Our goal: to be a key partner to our customers.
We work daily for and with our internal customers to supply solutions that match their needs in terms of quality and sustainability. We wish to offer a specialized Procurement service based on the following elements:
• Expertize and thorough understanding of public procurement rules;
• Innovation and source of benchmark;
• Advice.”
Procurement Department Head of Office
Methods and Tools Manager – Deputy to the Director

Methods and Tools Manager – Deputy to the Director
pierre.ouvry@epfl.ch+41 21 693 40 76BI A0 528Administrative Coordinator
Directs Procurement
Directs Procurement Manager
Building, maintenance and caretaking, Data Manager (SAP)
Laboratory Consumables Buyer
Scientific Equipment Buyer
Transport and Projects Buyer
Office Supplies and Technical Supplies Buyer
Indirects Procurement
Indirects Procurement Manager
IT Buyer
Indirects Procurement Buyer