CEAE – EPFL Committee of Academic Evaluation

The EPFL CEA guarantees compliance with standards of excellence at the international level and consistency within EPFL, as part of the promotion process for faculty careers. The academic vice-president appoints this committee. It is made up of full EPFL professors and experts from outside EPFL appointed for tacitly renewable 4-year periods.

Please direct your questions to the EPFL Faculty Affairs.

Prof. Altug Hatice – STI
Prof. Auwerx Johan – SV
Prof. Bernier-Latmani Rizlan – ENAC
Prof. Blanke Olaf – SV
Prof. Brune Harald – SB
Prof. Filipovic Damir – CDM
Prof. Floreano Dario – STI
Prof. Frossard Pascal – STI
Prof. Gastpar Michael – IC
Prof. Koch Christoph – IC
Prof. Kressner Daniel – SB
Prof. Lemaitre Bruno – SV
Prof. Molinari Jean-François – ENAC
Prof. Olhede Sofia – SB (chair)
Prof. Radenovic Aleksandra – STI
Prof. Röthlisberger Ursula – SB
Prof. Subramanian Vivek – STI
Prof. Thiran Patrick – IC
Prof. Waser Jérôme – SB