20x20x20 Talk
Lundi 30 novembre 2020 à 18:30
Modération Tanguy Auffret-Postel (assistant, TEXAS, EPFL)
20x20x20 est un format de discussions avec les professeures invitées en architecture à l’EPFL — deux présentations de 20 minutes par deux professeures invitées suivies d’une discussion de 20 minutes.
Dans le cadre du programme “Sometimes Doing Nothing Leads To Something”.
Catherine Gay Menzel
Catherine Gay Menzel studied at the ETH Zurich and graduated as an architect in 1999 with Prof. Andrea Deplazes. The same year, she moved to Berlin where she worked at the office of Hans Kollhoff. In January 2003, she moved to New York and worked for Leslie Gill Architect and collaborated with Götz Menzel. She returned to Europe in 2005 where she worked with Sabarchitekten AG and François Fasnacht Architekt in Basel. She worked at Herzog & de Meuron in Hamburg on the Elbphilharmonie project from 2007 to 2008. In 2009, she joined the office of Roland Gay Architectes in Monthey, Valais. In 2013, she co-founded the architectural firm GayMenzel. Since 2018 she is Vice-president of the cantonal building commission of the Valais.
Eva Gil Lopesino
Educated as an architect (2009, ETSAM-UPM Madrid and TU Delft), Eva Gil Lopesino is developing a Ph.D. in architecture from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). She is the co-founder of elii [architecture office] with Uriel Fogué and Carlos Palacios. Her research focuses on several topics, learning from fiction methodologies, the relations of computing and architecture and educational innovation techniques. She is worknig in the research group “ProLab” ETSAM-UPM, in the research line “degrowth and shrink”. She joined the ALICE team in 2020 as a visiting researcher and as visiting professor at EPFL in the Master level.
Tanguy Auffret Postel
Tanguy Auffret Postel is an architect. Graduated from the architecture school of Rennes in 2009 and from the Versailles school of Landscape in 2011, he currently lives and work in Lausanne. He is a founder and associate in the office m — ap architects. He is also a founding member of the curatorial group Corridor which has been active in the field of architectural culture since 2018. He has been a teaching assistant at École du Paysage de Versailles for professor Bruno Tanant and at EPFL for architecten de vylder vinck taillieu and is currently part of the TEXAS lab directed by professor Éric Lapierre. He has published various articles on architecture and landscape in magazines such as Tracés, Trans magazine or San Rocco.