Adrian Paci and Lek M. Gjeloshi in dialogue

Conférence jeudi 12 novembre 2020 à 18:30

Online sur Zoom


The work of Adrian Paci (born 1969, Albania) underlines one of the paradoxes of human intelligence, which consists of becoming aware of reality through irreality. Often inspired by subjects close to him, stories arising from his everyday life, Adrian Paci lets them slide poetically towards a fiction, which in its turn creates one or more wider realities. 

The artistic practice of Lek M. Gjeloshi (Albania, 1987) mainly focuses on the elaboration of a particular intensity emanated by the absence of a predetermined object of investigation. Passing through the video to site specific and other conceptual actions, the direct application (the visual or the visible ones) of his work it’s realized in the intimate relation established with the modeled and found space.