Water Designs:
l’eau dessine la ville
Exhibition from 15 June to 28 October 2024
From Monday to Friday, from 9:30 am à 5:30 pm
Archizoom, SG building, EPFL
Water design is of major importance today. The risks associated with water and climate change are a cause of global concern. Cities and territories are becomming the ‘water laboratory’ in which to shape the socio-ecological transition. Water is about life, space and power relations.
Vernissage Friday 14 June 6.30pm
Opening lecture
Address by Natacha Litzistorf
Mayor in charge of Housing, the Environment and Architecture
Introduction to the exhibition by Professor Paola Viganò
Lecture Monday 23 September 6.30pm, en
Design with Nature
Anne Whiston Spirn
Professor of Landscape Architecture and Planning at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Night of the Museums Saturday 21 Septembre 2pm-midnight
The Flon Trial with Affluent Collective 6pm, Guided Tours of the exhibition 4 & 8.30pm
Round Table Monday 14 October 6.30pm, en
With Kelly Shannon, Chiara Cavalieri, Taneha Bacchin
Moderation by Habitat Research Center
Closing Lecture Monday 28 October 6pm
Professor Paola Viganò, on the occasion of Bernardo Secchi Day lecture series
Exhibition tours on demand
[email protected]
Exhibition supported by
The recurring emergence of water-related questions in a range of disciplinary fields such as spatial design, political ecology, hydrology, social sciences, and humanities, demonstrates the evolving interest that this element plays in the discourse of urban planning. By offering an initial genealogy of water in territorial planning, the exhibition explores the complex history of this relationship, whose cultural, technical, political and economic perspectives vary according to the knowledge and fields from which it is observed.
The exhibition presents projects carried out at EPFL in the ENAC faculty and the works of Lausanne Jardins, together with explorations by contemporary architects and artists. It echos the cultural event Lausanne Jardins 2024 “Between Water and Us” which questions the capacity of gardens to strengthen the resilience of contemporary cities and their ability to adapt to the challenges of climate change, loss of biodiversity and finite resources.
Curated by Archizoom and Habitat Research Center, EPFL
Susanne Ahn, Judith Bax, Peter Bergv, Inge Bobbink, Bosch Slabbers Landscape, Matthijs Bouw, Combination Noorwaard, Conseil diplomatique des bassins versants, Dilip da Cunha, Robbert de Koning, Bruno de Meulder and Kelly Shannon, Camille de Toledo, Georges Descombes, Julie Donofrio, Matthieu Duperrex, Arun P. Elhance, Malin Falkenmark, Harold N. Fisk, Marino Gatto, Patrick Geddes, Christophe Girot, Groupement Superpositions, Jim Harrison, Norris Hundley, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, Ipv Delft, Maria Kaika, Ailton Krenak, Yvana Kuhn, Frederic Law Olmsted, Aldo Leopold, Phil Lewis, Anuradha Mathur, Ian McHarg, Kerry McWalter, Han Meyer, Maria Mies, Steffen Nijhuis, Platte River Development Committee with Kenneth R. Wright, Elisée Reclus, Rijkswaterstaat, Andrea Rinaldo, Ignacio Rodríguez-Iturbe, Frédéric Rossano, Marin Schaffner, Viktor Schauberger, Vandana Shiva, Dirk Sijmons, Murugesu Sivapalan, Erik Swyngedouw, Sybrand Tjallingii, Erik van Eekelen, Lodewijk van Nieuwenhuijze, Paola Viganò and Bernardo Secchi with Lorenzo Fabian, Charles Waldheim, West 8, Anne Whiston Spirn, Mark Winsor, World Water Forum, Kongjian Yu
Francis Alÿs, Anna Carratalà (Laboratory of Environmental Virology LEV, EPFL), Gilles Clément, Collectif Affluent, Collectif Bassines Non Merci and Les Soulèvements de la Terre, Renaud Defrancesco, Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (EPFL) with Faculty of Geosciences (UNIL) and Social Computing Group (IDIAP & EPFL), Fragmentin, Freudiger, IC Eau, Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies EPFL (Prof. Emmanuel Rey, Dr. Sara Formery, Dr. Martine Laprise, Dr. Judith Drouilles, Dr. Sergi Aguacil, Clément Cattin, Pascal Michon), Laboratoire d’Urbanisme EPFL (Stéphanie Amstutz, Julien Audemars, Messaouda Bounemer and Killian Worreth, Philip Bürgi, Daniela Galván Ortiz, Marina Garlatti, Olivier Lalancette, Loan Laurent, Chiara Lombardi Dellamonica, Ada Massarente, Francesco Montresor, Erwan Möri, Alessandra Patarot, Federico Sebastian Reichel, Ricardo Silva Aguiar), Lémanscope and LéXPLORE plateforme (Center for Limnology, EPFL), Fabian Marti, Carmen Perrin with Jacques Demierre, Jürg Conzett and Georges Descombes, Pool is Cool, Reporterre and Off Investigation, rrreefs (Marie Griesmar, Ulrike Pfreundt, Hanna Kuhfuß, Josephine Graf), Studio Paola Viganò with ULiège and Yellow Window, Truwant+Rodet+, Marie Velardi
La rivière augmentée (Clément Ringot, Jacopo Fochi, Ken Sangberg, Lucas Lerchs), EAUtopia (Memoscape landscape design; Elena Moretti, Claudia Mezzapesa, Isabella Mori, Laura Maccioni, Atelier Officina Chiodo Fisso; Alessio Verdolino, Emanuele Ricchi Atelier), Jardin d’Aisance (TRIBU architecture, EYAB, Jardins Permanents, ANECO), Les Beaux Dimanches (Daniel Duque, Luisa Fernanda Sàenz, Iriles Yataghene, Pierre Godest, Esteban Lena), Traite-moi bien! (Amandine Müller, Gwendoline Zlizi, Sébastien Jobin, and the students of the class ES-T JPAY, Centre d’enseignement professionnel de Morges with Florent Lièvre), Eau voleur! (Service des parcs et domaines; Philippe Petoud, Philippe Tendon, Sébastien Liardon, Damien Junod), L’Arête (Anaëlle Centeno, Benjamin Senften, Jaïro Mugnai, Emmanuel Larue), Paysages disparus, les îles forel (Nancy Couling, Ralf Steeg, Sara Gerber, Maude Sauvage, Ivo Stotz), Pierrot (Charlotte Dubois, Projet de Master, ECAL / École cantonale d’art de Lausanne), Totora (Florian Dürig, Guillaume Capt, André Schlaepfer), Mirador (Victoria Guffroy, Noé Chassot with Adrien Rovero — ECAL / École cantonale d’art de Lausanne), Infiniment Peu (Sowatorini Landschaft – Philipp Appel, Felix Dalisdas, Sebastian Sowa, Bastian ten Haaf, Gianluca Torini), Jardin de circulation, jardin de pluie (Habitat Research Center, EPFL – Paola Viganò, Tommaso Pietropolli, Loan Laurent with the collaboration of Luca Rossi, Murielle Thomet, Zoé Daeppen, Jérôme Pellet, Rémy Poisot, Vincent Osselin), Recto-Versant (Marine de Carbonnières, Carmen Perrin, Aureliano Ramella, Lorenzo Ramella), Flon Bleu (Service des parcs et domaines – Alexandre Audonnet, Coline Beguim, Christophe Paschoud, Thomas Waltensperger), Au dessus du gazon, le brouillard (Luciano Antonietti, Alice Fiorini, Basil Merz, Flore Schärrer, Katia Schmit, Sylvie Viollier), Rives oubliées (Noëlle Bollinger, Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, with Andrea Cejka, Markus Huber and Roger Aeschbach), Surface (Coralie Berchtold, Max Leiss, Yann Junod), Terrain d’herbes, jardins de jeu (8000.agency; Elmēs; Sébastien Lacomblez), Bateaux de-ci, de-là (Siân Sprenger and landscape architecture students with Andrea Cejka, Markus Huber and Roger Aeschbach – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule), Natures contre-cultures (Nadia Elamly, Marion Fonjallaz, Morgane Hofstetter, Janus Lafontaine Carboni, Lucas Peyronel), Giá The (Arianna Frascoli, Shugo Hama, Jovan Minic, Shunri Nishizawa, Clara Werneck), Jardin Nautique (Margot Bluteau, Nicolas Delucinge, Gazel Thibault, Vanessa Giroux, Sébastien Labbé), Runway Rain (Saida Brückner, Dominic Fritschi, Alessio De Gottardi, Sven Högger, Géraldine Recker, Fabian Tobias Reiner), L’eau sous nos pieds (Phileas Erembert, Sébastien Mathyer avec Cassie Vernet, Enzo Dal Mas, Marouchka Moritz and Sébastien Rivas, Haute école du paysage, d’ingénierie et d’architecture), L’heure du Grèbe (Service des parcs et domaines – Fanny Allienne, Rémi Desarzens, Romain Latapie, Jeremy Pamingle), Dune du Vent Bleu (GRUE – Marie Alléaume, Nathanaëlle Baës-Cantillon, Rodolphe Raguccia), Mélusine au jardin (Camille Delègue, Günther Galligioni, Martin Koenig), Archipelago (DU Studio – Steffen Hägele, Tina Küng; Dr. Dieter Ramseier, École polytechnique fédérale de Zurich; Tayio Onorato; Dr. Christopher Robinson, EAWAG), Jardin sur l’eau (Jana Hartmann, Dennis Häusler), Le Jardin d’Eole (Mathieu Lucas, Valentin Calame, Nessim Kaufman), Craquelures dans le réel (Fujan Fahmi & Michael Mosch, Ilse Cardenas & Diego Escamilla, Federico Lepre, Lucia Espinosa de los Monteros, Gonzalo Peña), Forest Project (Yufei He, James Horkulak, Lewis Horkulak, Pan Hu), Revivre (Service des parcs et domaines – Robert Popescu, Francesc Clarena, Jacques Pache), Les Bains d’Atlantis (MG Associés – Théo Lambert, Pablo Gabbay, Pierre Ménétrey, Floriane Jungo; Pascal Yerly), Bains Olympiques (Kristina Bartova, Daniel Markov, Petra Babkova, Tomas Babka, Veronika Dlabac, Frantisek Dlabac), Affleurement (SPIN – Carlotta Montefoschi, Niccolò Cau, Giulia Tasselli), Delta (LR Architectes, Profil Paysage, T/Rex Architecture), Le Cercle des oiseaux (En-Dehors – Romain Legros, Swann Cherpillod; ellipsearchitecture – Yannick Claessens, Mattia Pretolani; Julien Mercier, Christophe Guberan), à flots (Diego Soluoguren)
Habitat Research Center: Prof. Paola Viganò, Tommaso Pietropolli, Loan Laurent, Hugo Silva Costa avec Matthew Skjonsberg
Archizoom: Roxane Le Grelle, Cyril Veillon
Solène Hoffmann
Marie Bourdon, Arthur Douillet, Léa Guillotin, Emilie Hamel, Léo Perrin-Livenais, Julia Petrachenko, Carolina Pichler, Lalie Porteret, Maël Zahaf
Sophie Wietlisbach
Patrick Lennon
Anne Lemoine
Atelier La Grange (Stéphane Louis and Gianni Musio)
Mathilde de Laage, Monique Keller, Rémy Poisot, Lorette Coen, Vincenzo Artico, Giovanni de Cesare, Tony Arborino, Paolo Perona, Mathias Kondolf, Marie Griesmar, Sara Formery, Rosalie Le Grelle, Paul Steinbrück, Centre Pompidou, Radosava Tatic, l’Atelier Maquettes de l’EPFL