From 1st December 2017 to 4th March 2018
Outside of Rolex Learning Center
Opening: Friday 1st December at noon
The exhibition Echoing Triennale Valais/Wallis presents, outdoor and on Campus, a series of works created for the Triennale and readapted for the EPFL site.
In 2014, the Art and Cultural Affairs had organized Echoing Bex&Arts in continuity of the sculpture exhibition that was happening in Bex. This year, another triennal and nationwide manifestation is revisited : the contemporary art Triennale Valais/Wallis which will take place this Summer at the the Saint-Bernard highway stop (truck stop, A9) of Martigny.
The works:
Les Tripl\u00e9s (2017)
Verre, dimensions variables
Place Cosandey, côté Esplanade
Desire (2006)
Acier inoxidable, aluminium, 9.15 x 2.3 x 1 m.
Bordure du Rolex Learning Center, côté route des Noyerettes
A stone some cracks (2017)
Peinture émail sur bronze patiné, béton, 80 x 70 x 60 cm.
Sous le Rolex Learning Center
This is not a Love Song (2015-2016)
Bois peint, 3 x 2.4 x 2 m.
Place Cosandey
Success/Failure (2014)
Plaques en aluminium imprimé, tub galvanisé, 220 x 132 x 6 cm
Bordure du Rolex Learning Center, côté route des Noyerettes
Surveillant (2017)
Béton, caoutchouc, métal, 3 fois 80 x 30 x 60 cm.
Bordure du Rolex Learning Center, côté lac