Associations recognized by EPFL
These associations are separate entities, legally independent of EPFL.
Student associations recognized by EPFL
Partner associations of EPFL
Representation of different bodies of EPFL
- 180°C (Association to promote cooking amongst students)
- ABSL (Association of Bulgarian Students in Lausanne)
- ACC (Association of the Executives of the Confederation)
- ACE CLUB (Association for the practice of Card Games)
- ACIL (Association culturelle italienne de Lausanne)
- AdEC (Association of EPFL Students in Chemistry)
- ADELE (Association of EPFL Students in Electrical Engineering)
- ADSV (Association of EPFL PhD in Life Science)
- AEAUL (Association of Albanian Students from Universities in Lausanne)
- AEGC (Association of EPFL Students in Civil Engineering)
- AEGEL (Association of Greek Students in Lausanne)
- Aeropoly (Association for all types of flying activities)
- AERUS (Association for Russian-speaking students)
- AESV (Association of EPFL Students in Life Science)
- Æther Swiss Kite (Development of a kite – MAKE)
- AGEPoly (Student’s General Association of the EPFL)
- AI Team (AI association focused on robotics project & events)
- AKULA (Ukrainian Cultural Association)
- ALSL (Association of the Lebanese Students in Lausanne)
- ALUJ (Association lausannoise des universitaires
- AMAC (Association of EPFL Students in Mechanical Engineering)
- APC (Staff Association of the Confederation)
- APEL (Association of EPFL Professors)
- APML (Association of the Moroccans Polytechnicians Students in Lausanne)
- ARO (Romanian Students Association at EPFL)
- ArtePoly (AGEPoly commission – promotion of art on campus)
- Artiphys (Festival)
- ASA (Association of Swiss German Students at EPFL)
- ASAR (Association of EPFL Students in Architecture)
- Asclepios
- AUMC (Academic Association of Chamber Music)
- Balélec (Festival)
- Belg’Association
- BioSense EPFL (Projets dans le domaine des bio-capteurs – MAKE)
- BSA (Blockchain Student Association)
- BSNL (BioScience Network Lausanne)
- Callista (EPFL-UNIL Association in Astronomy)
- Challenge (AGEPoly Commission – Ski Challenge EPFL-ETHZ)
- CHUL (Academic Choir Association in Lausanne)
- Clic (Association of EPFL Students of IC Faculty)
- Club Montagne (AGEPoly Commission – promotion of mountain sports)
- Club Photo EPFL-UNIL (Promotion of photography)
- Coaching (AGEPoly Commission – 1st Year Students integration)
- CQFD (Association of EPFL Students in Mathematics)
- CSSA (Chinese Students & Scholars Association, Lausanne)
- Dame Blanche (AGEPoly Commission – chess club)
- Dance Square (AGEPoly Commission – dance club)
- Designing Life with AI (AI-Driven Protein Design )
- Dhelta (Digital Humanities Activities)
- Dynamic (Association of EPFL Students in Microengineering)
- Dzaïr (Association of Algerian Students in Switzerland)
- EAGLE (Étudiant Association Golf Lausanne)
- EAL (Effective Altruism Lausanne)
- EGYPoly (Egyptians Students Association)
- ELSA (EPFL Scientific Staff Association)
- Enigma (Association of EPFL Students in Materials)
- Entrepreneur Club (Promotion of entrepreneurship)
- EPDA (EPFL Postdoc Association)
- EPFelles (EPFL Student female community)
- EPFL Carbon Team (Capture the CO2 – MAKE)
- EPFL Photonics Chapter (Association of EPFL Students in Photonics)
- EPFL Racing Team (Racing Formula Student – MAKE)
- EPFL Rocket Team (Construction and rocket launch – MAKE)
- EPFL Spacecraft Team (Build, launch and operate satellites – MAKE)
- EPFL & UNIL Wine Society (Oenology association)
- EPFL Watchmakers (Conceive a clock featuring innovative mechanisms – MAKE)
- EPFL Xplore (Association participating to an international challenge every year – European Rover Challenge in Poland or University Rover Challenge in USA – MAKE)
- Epphilo (Association of EPFL students for Philosophy)
- EPIC (EPFL PhDs of I&C)
- EscapEPFL (Creation and proposition of Escape Games)
- ESN EPFL (AGEpoly Commission – Erasmus Student Network)
- FES (Financial Engineers’ Society)
- Forum EPFL (Meeting Companies-Future Graduates)
- Fréquence Banane (Radio Station)
- FUSTIC (FUture Sustainable Territories, Infrastructure and Cities)
- Genorobotics (Field DNA analysis & biodiversity monitoring – MAKE)
- GNU Generation (AGEPoly Commission – promotion of free and open source software)
- HOLA (Hispanic Organization of Latin Americans)
- IAESTE (Exchanges and internships abroad)
- IDM (World Engineers UNIL-EPFL)
- IEEE EPFL Student branch (Advancement of technology)
- IFL (Innovation Forum Lausanne)
- Irrotationnels (Association of EPFL Students in Physics)
- IRSA (Iranian Students Association at EPFL)
- JDRPoly (AGEPoly Commission – Roleplay)
- JE EPFL (Junior Entreprise)
- KORAL (Korean cultural association)
- LauzHack (Hackathon organisation)
- LudoPoly (AGEPoly Commission – Board Games)
- MESAA (Energy Management & Sustainability Students & Alumni Association)
- Mil@CampusLausanne (Société militaire du campus universitaire de Lausanne)
- MUN EPFL (Model United Nations, Eloquence and debates of international politics)
- Musical (AGEPoly Commission – stimulation of the practice of music on the campus)
- NSNX (NeuroStudents’ NetworX)
- Nuit De la Magistrale (AGEPoly Commission – party following the formal Magistrale Graduation Ceremony)
- OChE (Lausanne Students Chamber Orchestra)
- OSUL (Lausanne Academic Symphonic Orchestra)
- PET (Theatrical Expression Pole)
- PlanQueer (Association of LGBTIQ+ Students of Hautes Ecoles in Lausanne)
- PLUME (Literary Association)
- POLCA (Polish Cultural Association)
- PolyDoc (EPFL PhD Association)
- PolyJapan (AGEPoly Commission – promotion of Japanese culture)
- PolyLan (Promotion of video game culture)
- Polympiads (Association for promotion, competitive maths and competitive programming)
- Polyphys (Association of EPFL PhDs in Physics)
- PolyQuity (Promotion of gender equality)
- PolySI (AGEPoly Commission – integration week of the EPFL)
- PSC (Palestine Student Committee)
- QET (Quantum Engineering Team)
- RoboPoly (AGEPoly Commission – robots contest)
- Sailowtech (Sailing frugal science and low-tech)
- S4S (AGEPoly Commission – week of academic preparation)
- Satellite (Bar, concerts and theater)
- SHALOM (Israeli Students Association)
- ShARE-EPFL (Sharing Knowledge for Development)
- SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics-Student Chapter)
- SME (Society of Managerial Engineering Students of EPFL)
- Space@yourService (Promotion and popularization of space sciences)
- SPAN (Science Policy Action Network)
- Start (Association to promote entrepreneurship)
- Stoica (Association of Tessin Students)
- Swiss Solar Boat (Association participating in the Monaco Solar & Energy Boat Challenge – MAKE)
- Sysmic (Festival)
- TEDxEcublens (Independently organized TEDx event)
- The Consulting Society (Promotion of Consulting activities)
- SIC – The EPFL Sustainable Innovation Challenge
- TFA (The Finance Association)
- TRANSFAIR (Section de l’union du personnel du domaine des EPF)
- TREE (Round table of EPFL Students in Environment)
- TriviaPoly (Organization of quiz competitions)
- TUNES (Association of the academic Tunisian in Switzerland)
- Turcopoly (Association of Turkish-speaking Students in Lausanne)
- UASP (Association of Spanish Students at EPFL)
- UniPoly (Association for Ecology)
- YUVA-Indians (Association of the Indian Students in Lausanne)
- Zero Emission Group – ZEG (Energy and Sustainable Development)