All associations by category

Representation of EPFL bodies

  • AGEPoly – Student’s general association of the EPFL
  • PolyDocEPFL PhD association



  • EPFelles – EPFL student female community
  • Mil@CampusLausanne – Société militaire du campus universitaire de Lausanne
  • PlanQueer – Association of LGBTIQ+ students of hautes écoles in Lausanne
  • PolyQuity – Promotion of gender equality


Interdisciplinary projects

  • Asclepios – Association pour la conception de missions analogues
  • BioSense EPFL – Projets dans le domaine des bio-capteurs
  • EPFL Spacecraft Team – Build, launch and operate satellites
  • EPFL Xplore – Association participating to an international challenge every year (European Rover Challenge in Poland or University Rover Challenge in USA)
  • Genorobotics – Field DNA analysis & biodiversity monitoring
  • EPFL Racing Team – Racing Formula Student
  • EPFL Rocket Team – Construction and rocket launch
  • Sailowtech – Association to promote Open Science
  • SP80 – Association to break the sailing speed record
  • Swiss Solar Boat – Association participating in the Monaco Solar & Energy Boat Challenge 2020


EPFL Students

  • ADECAssociation of EPFL students in chemistry
  • ADELEAssociation of EPFL students in electrical engineering
  • ADSVAssociation of EPFL PhD in life science
  • AEGCAssociation of EPFL students in civil engineering
  • AESVAssociation of EPFL students in life science
  • AGEPoly – Coaching1st Year students integration
  • AGEPoly – ESN EPFL – Erasmus Student Network
  • AGEPoly – PolySI – Integration week of the EPFL
  • AGEPoly – S4S – Students for Students
  • AMACAssociation of EPFL students in mechanical engineering
  • ASARAssociation of EPFL students in architecture
  • BSA – Blockchain Student Association
  • ClicAssociation of EPFL students in computing and communications
  • CQFDAssociation of EPFL students in mathematics
  • DAG – Awareness and Promotion of Data Sciences
  • DheltaDigital humanities activities
  • DynamicAssociation of EPFL students in microengineering
  • EnigmaAssociation of EPFL students in materials
  • EPFL Photonics ChapterAssociation of EPFL students in photonic
  • EPIC – EPFL PhDs of I&C
  • FESFinancial Engineers’ Society
  • IrrotationnelsAssociation of EPFL students in physics
  • MESAA – Energy management and sustainability students and alumni association
  • PolyphysEPFL PhD association in physics
  • QET – Quantum Engineering Team
  • SME – Society of managerial engineering students of EPFL
  • TREERound table of EPFL students in environment


Students by country

  • ABSL – Association of Bulgarian Students in Lausanne
  • ACIL – Italian Cultural Association in Lausanne
  • AEGEL – EPFL Greeks students in Lausanne
  • AERUS – Association for russian-speaking students
  • AKULA –  Ukrainian Cultural Association
  • ALSL – Association of the Libanese students in Lausanne
  • ALUJ – Association lausannoise des universitaires
  • APML – Association of the Morrocans polytechnicians students in Lausanne
  • ARO – Romanian students association at EPFL
  • ASA – Swiss german students association at EPFL
  • Belg’Association
  • CSSA – Chinese Students & Scholars Association, Lausanne
  • Dzaïr  – Association of algerian students in Switzerland
  • EGYPoly – Egyptians Students Association
  • HOLA – Hispanic Organization of Latin Americans
  • IRSA – Iranian students association at EPFL
  • KORAL – Korean Cultural Association 
  • Polca – Polish Cultural Association
  • SHALOM – Israeli Students Association
  • Stoica – Association of Tessin students
  • TUNES – Association of the academic Tunisian in Switzerland
  • Turcopoly – Association des étudiants turcophones de Lausanne
  • UASP – Association of the Spanish students at EPFL
  • YUVA-Indians – Association of the Indian students in Lausanne



Science and technology

  • AI TeamAI association focused on robotics project & events
  • Callista – EPFL-UNIL association in astronomy
  • GNU Generation – Promotion for free applications
  • NSMX – NeuroStudents’ NetworX
  • Polympiads – Association for promotion, competitive maths and competitive programming
  • RoboPoly – Robots contest
  • Space@yourService – Promotion and popularization of space sciences
  • SPAN (Science Policy Action Network)
  • SIAM – Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, student chapter
  • SSASpace Situational Awareness Team

Culture and society




  • Artiphys – Festival
  • Balelec – Festival
  • NDLM – Nuit de la magistale
  • Satellite – Bar, concerts and theater
  • Sysmic – Evening of the EPFL students in microtechnics




Vocational guidance