Student Associations

"There is more to life than being a passenger." Amelia Earhart, pilot, 1897-1939

Thanks to nearly a hundred student associations active on the EPFL campus, our community enjoys a dynamic place of studies, where diversity invites itself through various events. Aware of the workload resulting from managing a student association, the VPA SAO provides our students with the tools and resources they need to thrive associative life and makes it become compatible with their studies.

All associations by alphabetical order

All associations by category

Video presentations of the associations by topic

– What’s new with the associations ?

– What’s on the associations’ agenda ?

No scheduled events

See all events

– How to find us


CE 1 631 (Centre Est)
Station 1
CH-1015 Lausanne

Mail:  [email protected]

Permanence (no appointment needed) on Mondays
from 4:30 to 5:30 pm (Ce1631)

Currently on summer break, the permanence will resume on Monday September 9, 2024.

Access map