Student Associations

"Il y a plus dans la vie que d'être un passager." Amelia Earhart, pilote, 1897-1939

The Office of associative affairs is the EPFL’s central entity, attached to the VPA DP-RE, which oversees associative activities. Working closely with the more than 100 recognized associations and the various EPFL departments concerned, our role is to offer them the best possible framework for organizing their associative activities on campus, developing and recognizing the cross-disciplinary skills they have acquired, and integrating them into institutional events.

Thanks to more than a hundred active student associations on the EPFL campus, our community benefits from a dynamic place of study, where diversity is a weekly feature of numerous events.

Discover all the associations recognized by EPFL :

-> in alphabetical order

-> by category

Key dates to remember :

ThemesAnnual prevalence
Applying for grantsNovember – March
Enhancement of your association experienceNovember-January and April-August
Courses for student associations recognized by EPFLSeptember-November and February-April
Event submissionsend of October (major events) / end of April (major events)
Deadlines for apéritifs standards10 days before the end of the current month for the following month (precise dates under “Délais pour apéritifs standards”)
Information session for all associationsbeginning of October
Associations’ Weekend of September


Office of the associative affairs
CE 1 631 (Centre Est)
Station 1
CH-1015 Lausanne


Permanence (no appointment needed) every Tuesday from 12:30 to 13:30 (Ce1631)

Access map