Voluntary Corp of Greek Firemen and Reforesters (ESEPA) Presentation

Dear all,  

Although we were not able to do the bbq, AEGEL continues this time by organizing an indoor event of educational character! 🙂 Specifically, a classmate of us, Martin Hofmann, comes every summer for the last 4 years in Greece as a member of the Voluntary Corp of Greek Firemen and Reforesters (ESEPA) and he would like to present to us their work. Thus, to anyone interested in listening how Greeks and foreigners together protect the forests every summer and how one could combine two weeks in Greece with volunteer work, we expect you on Wednesday, November 6, 2013 at 14:00 in room CM1 221 (http://plan.epfl.ch/?lang=en&room=CM1+221). After the presentation AEGEL will offer refreshments and good company of course to relax a bit from studying.  

Hope to see you all there,

Greek Students Association Lausanne (AEGEL)