Becoming a member
All postdoctoral researchers at EPFL are eligible to become members of the EPFL postdoc association (EPDA). Standard membership is free, and gives you access to our internal events and priority on some events open to the whole EPFL postdoctoral community.
Registration can be done by following this link.
Please use your EPFL account to log into Google to get access.
Additionally, you can become a supportive member with an annual payment of 40 CHF and become eligible to become a member of the Committee (with the right to vote within the association). Supportive members are granted an exclusive discount on participation fees for certain events. Please make the payment directly to our PayPal account or the bank information below.
Remit payment to:
Crédit Suisse AG
8070 Zurich
For credit to:
EPFL Postdoc Association
EPFL-station 19
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
CHF account number: 1220521-31
IBAN: CH7904835122052131000
Clearing number: 4835
If you have any questions, please feel free to directly contact our Management at
Participating in the association
If you wish to become more involved in the association, please feel free to contact the EPDA Management. We are always looking for volunteers interested to participate in our activities, or willing to organize a new initiative or event within the association.