Renewable energy, a way to adapt to climate change and an alternative for the agro-sylvo-pastoral products in Senegal’s Ferlo

Description of the internship:

The intern is expected to lead a study in order to adress the energetical needs of local population and offer more ecologically friendly solutions, through the use of renewable energies.

Qualities and skills needed:

The intern is expected to be specialised in energy, or environment, and to be interested in energetical systems, environment and renewable energies.

Curious, Dynamic, Able to listen and adapt, Good inter personal skills.


Duration of the internship: 2 mois

Place: Linguère (Région Louga, Sénégal)

Housing provided: Yes

Possiblity to have meals included: No

Sections: SIE, Energy

Description of the partner:

Created in February 1997, CERFLA is a non-profit Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that operates according to the rules and principles governing associations in Senegal. It has a General Assembly that meets every three (3) years, a Board of Directors and an executive team.

The NGO’s main area of intervention is the institutional and technical reinforcement of grassroots organizations to ensure that local development is locally driven. This support is provided through:

  • Building people’s technical capacities through literacy, modular, vocational or skills training in various areas.
  • Supporting the organizational and institutional development of grassroots partners.

  • Support for local authorities in the governance of natural resources.
    Support and guidance for locally promising economic sectors (local milk, fattening, etc.).
  • Supporting women in agro-ecology (market gardening, fodder crops, etc.).
  • Facilitating people’s access to sustainable basic equipment and infrastructure (solar energy, water supply).
  • Support for advocacy to secure natural resources (land tenure, village hydraulics, etc.).


Contact person: Safyatou BALDE LOUM

Contact email: [email protected] / [email protected]