Category: Uncategorized

Stage Air Quality project manager – Fight air pollution in Côte d’Ivoire


Description of the internship Air pollution is the 2nd leading cause of death in Côte d’Ivoire. Today, few air quality data are accessible due to a lack of measurements or dissemination of collected data. AQ54 is an initiative from data354, that aims to collect and make available data about air quality in Africa, starting with (…)

Humanitarian internship with refugees in Greece


Description of the internship As an intern at Aletheia, you will be able to participate in language classes, recreative and artistic activities and the physical and psychological care that the association offers. In Athens, Aletheia offers a service of consultation and a listening and support service. In Corinthe, Aletheia gives away first necessity goods and (…)

Stage humanitaire auprès des réfugié.e.s en Grèce


Description du stage En tant que stagiaire à Aletheia, tu pourras participer aux cours de langue, activités récréatives, activités artistiques et soins physique et psychologiques que propose l’association. A Athènes, Aletheia propose un service d’écoute et de consultation. A Corinthe, Aletheia distribue des biens de première nécessité et de la nourriture, dans un espace aux (…)

Internship in environment and organic waste management


Internship description The project aims to reduce poverty, combat climate change and provide access to renewable energy. To this end, Envie d’agir proposes to assist the Togolese government in achieving several objectives, such as: Involving secondary school students in the fight against climate change through training and awareness-raising campaigns. Help other project leaders to use (…)

Green Building Intern

AR-en, ENAC-en, ENERGY, GC-en, SIE-en

Description of the internship We welcome architects, engineers, and other specialists to consult on various green building projects and share in the learning experience on campus. Days would be spent primarily with our green building team and volunteers to establish and execute projects. Projects may be on campus school buildings, housing, or other community builds (…)

Real-time monitoring method for disinfection of conventional drinking water treatment processes on small islands

CGC-en, ENAC-en, SB-en, SIE-en, SV-en

Description of the internship In small islands in the border region, such as the municipality of Mytilene (Greece), there is a lack of technical staff and the necessary knowledge to carry out effective drinking water treatment. Chlorination is necessary to prevent waterborne disease outbreaks; however, excessive chlorination is wasteful, produces harmful disinfection by-products, exacerbates corrosion, (…)

Development of flood alert systems

DATA-en, IC-en, MA-en, PH-en, SB-en, SC-en, SV-en

Description of the internship Many catastrophic floods causing severe damage and threatening human lives are recorded every year in the Mediterranean region. In the future, under expected climate change, an increase in the frequency and magnitude of floods is anticipated. In a region where water scarcity is a major concern, a priority for watershed managers (…)

Circular Economy Project Manager

CDM-en, E4S-en, MTEI-en, SFI-en

Description of the internship Your main mission is to conceive, deploy, and animate circular economy projects within Merci René’s CSR strategy. Map existing resources and animate a network of partners. Formulate a strategy around ambitious quantifiable objectives and associated performance indicators. Required qualities and skills Knowledge of circular economy Proactive and dynamic Project management skills (…)

Subcellular composition and transcriptome of human lungs suffering from tuberculosis (TB)


Description of the internship In collaboration with our partners in Tbilisi, Georgia, we have established a cohort of patients suffering from severe tuberculosis who underwent resection of infected lung material.We aim to characterize the resected material histologically and through gene expression using advanced imaging technologies (multiplexed immunofluorescence, artificial intelligence-guided image analysis) to identify new disease (…)

Solar-powered cold rooms

AR-en, EL-en, ENAC-en, ENERGY, GC-en, GM-en, MX-en, SIE-en, STI-en

Description of the internship The first step will involve participating in the practical construction of the refrigeration system to understand its operation as well as possible changes/modifications.It is possible to propose innovative ideas to improve cold rooms! Moreover, the internship may involve designing and implementing the advanced remote monitoring system for ColdHubs to support operations. (…)