
Finding yourself an insurance

No matter where you come from or which working permit you have, you are obligated to subscribe to a Swiss health insurance (LAMAL), that will pay for your expenses above a certain amount if you have medical expenses in Switzerland, according to the Swiss Law.

You should also check on other insurances such as housing insurance, third party liability insurance, car insurance, or accident insurance, which are all important when you stay for a long time in Switzerland.

Health insurance:

  • You have to take out basic health insurance. It is highly recommended that you take out insurance as soon as possible as medical and hospital costs in Switzerland are very high! The Student Affairs Website provides detailed information about health insurance.

Accident insurance:

  • Accident insurance is mandatory for anyone living in Switzerland. The Student Affairs Website provides detailed information about accident insurance.
  • If you are employed by EPFL at least 8 hours per week, your accident insurance is covered by you employer. More information (in French only) can be found on the Human Resources website.

Insurances for housing: 

Third party liability insurance (or civil insurance) :

Social insurances: 

  • According to the law, Swiss and foreign students holding a B or C permit must suscribe for AVS, the old age and survivors insurance. You should ask your commune (the town administration where you live) whether you are concerned or not. The Student Affairs provide information about the AVS insurance.
  • As an EPFL employee, you are also insured for occupational pension plans (2nd pillar). The Human Resources provide more information about the social insurances.

The Comparis website is an excellent free platform that can help you choose your insurance among the many possibilities that exist.