Decorative image for the Program of Dual Career, Credit: Alex Padurariu,
EPFL recognizes that addressing the needs of dual careers couples is an essential part of recruiting and retaining the highest-ranking faculty.
To fulfil these goals, EPFL has created a Dual Career Program that includes a range of key actions and services detailed below.
- Partners of selected candidates for professorship positions at EPFL and recently hired professors
- Scholars’ partner from the Early Independent Research Scholar (ELISIR), or similar programs for independent group lab heads are also eligible
- Partners newly arriving from abroad, even if the professor has been at EPFL for some time
- The program can support a given partner only once
- The term “partner” defines any person who is moving or intend to move and follow the person newly hired at the EPFL faculty position whether they are spouse, cohabitee or same sex partner
- A support for partners in their research for a position within or aoutside the academic community
- Language Classes
- Time-limited funding support for position within EPFL
- Introduction to to a large network of communities such as other academic institutions, local or international associations (such as IDCN, local business association, conferences…)
- A support for registration to EPFL daycare centers
- EPFL is a member of the International Dual Career Network (IDCN), a non-profit association including companies, NGOs and academic institutions with the purpose of facilitating the job search for mobile employees’ partners
- PFL language center: French Courses for Spouses. Spouses are welcome to take part in the French courses of the EPFL Centre de langues (for a fee)
- CVCI (Chambre vaudoise du commerce et de l’industrie). For spouses of international employees, facilitating the integration into the local economy, providing a platform for sharing experiences and best practices
- IWC (International Women’s Club). Lausanne’s English-speaking women’s club
- The Program does not provide nor guarantee a job placement or employment.
- The candidates and their partners are informed as from the negotiations about the EPFL policy and especially about the short-term duration of any allocation fund
EPFL Dual Career Program Officer
+41 21 693 52 59