Check out upcoming campus events or find out how to organise a conference, seminar or even a cultural event.

© Alain Herzog
Upcoming Events

Events Open to the Public
Discover the events that make up the Campus!

Events for the EPFL community
Honor to our students and staff! A series of events is particularly aimed at them.
Stay in touch

Coming Soon to EPFL
Keep up to date with what’s happening on our campuses! The “Coming Soon to EPFL” newsletter, sent out quarterly, informs you about major upcoming events taking place on the various EPFL campuses or online.

Follow us on EPFL Events
Services and activities

Organize an event
It is possible to organize an event throughout the year, taking into account academic periods.

Rooms available
Non-academic rooms and places available if schedules and schedules allow.

Corporate events
EPFL hosts corporate events on its sites, under certain conditions
CM 1 364 (Centre Midi)
Station 10
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. : 41 21 69 3 51 27
E-mail :
Access map
Mediacom Events organises many events throughout the year. We have a comprehensive data protection policy that applies to every event our department organises. You can find it here: EPFL’s Mediacom Events event PRIVACY POLICY
For any questions about data protection at events organised by Mediacom Events, please contact:
For any general questions about data protection at EPFL, please contact the DPO:
For any questions about data protection at events organised by Mediacom Events, please contact:
For any general questions about data protection at EPFL, please contact the DPO: