Financial support for Open Access

Since January 2016, EPFL authors can benefit from a financial support when publishing articles, books, book chapters or conference proceedings in Open Access (OA). This financial support can be of two alternative types:

  • Option 1: Gold Open Access fund
    A partial reimbursement of the APC from the Gold Open Access fund of the EPFL Library
  • Option 2: Specific agreements with publishers
    Special conditions negotiated with some publishers, which can come in the form of a full APC funding, a discount on APC, or a Read & Publish agreement

Option 1:
Gold Open Access fund

Reimbursement requests can be sent by email to [email protected]
Please note that the fund is nearly depleted (as of 09.07.2024)

  • Reimbursement of 2/3 of:
    • Article Processing Charges (APC)
    • Book Processing Charges (BPC)
    • Book Chapter Processing Charges (BCPC)
    • Publishing fees for conference proceedings
  • Maximum contribution of CHF 2’500 per publication
  • The publication must be distributed in Gold OA and immediately available online without restrictions at the time of publication or conference. Please note: no reimbursement for publications in Hybrid journals;
  • Reimbursements are limited to 2 publications per laboratory per year;
  • Alternative funds specifically dedicated to covering the costs of Gold OA publications (such as the one made available by the SNSF) should be used first;
  • The first-come, first-served principle applies (based on the acceptance date of the publication) until the fund is exhausted;
  • The selected journal or book must be listed in at least one of the following websites:
    • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
    • Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
    • Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA)
    • Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
  • OA fees for articles or books published in December can be reimbursed until the end of January of the following year;
  • Proceedings must be part of a reputable, peer-reviewed conference.

Option 2:
Specific agreements with publishers

■   Full APC funding

Type of contract
Corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL publish OA free of charge

What is included?
A selection of 5 journals:
Annual Review of Cancer Biology
Annual Review of Environment and Resources
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science
Annual Review of Political Science
Annual Review of Public Health

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Type of contract
Corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL publish OA free of charge

What is included?
All the publisher’s journals:
Media and Communication
Ocean and Society
Politics and Governance
Social Inclusion
Urban Planning

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Type of contract
Corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL publish OA free of charge

What is included?
The two ECS journals:
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology
Journal of the Electrochemical Society

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Authors must select “ECS Plus” under Step 6 – Open Access Waivers, Charges and Credits at the time of manuscript submission. Click here to read the detailed workflow on the publisher’s website.

Type of contract
Corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL publish OA free of charge

What is included?
All Frontiers journals – List of titles on the publisher’s website

To cover for the Open Access publishing fees, APCs are deducted from an available annual budget on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact the EPFL Library for further information on this quota: [email protected]

The agreement is valid for publications accepted after 01.01.2023. The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL. 

The 2024 quota has been reached.

Type of contract
The current agreement (2022-2024) allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA free of charge in all Gold titles

What is included?
All Gold journals – Download the list of titles

The maximum number of Open Access articles covered by the agreement is limited at national level: 44 publications per year (quota reached in June 2024).

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Type of contract
Corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL publish OA free of charge

What is included?
Nearly all PLOS journals – List of titles on the publisher’s website

What is excluded?
Two journals:
PLOS Sustainability and Transformation
PLOS Water

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Type of contract
Corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL publish OA free of charge

What is included?
All SciPost journals – List of titles on the publisher’s website

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Type of contract
Corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL publish OA free of charge

What is included?
A selection of key journals in the field of High-Energy Physics – List of titles on the publisher’s website. It should be noted that, for some of these journals, not all published articles can be included in the agreement, but only those concerning High-Energy Physics.

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

■   Full APC funding via Read&Publish agreement

Type of contract
The current R&P agreement (2023-2025) allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA free of charge.

What is included?
Hybrid and Gold journals – Download the list of titles

What is excluded?
Articles published as part of SNSF-funded projects. However, they are eligible for APC reduced to $3’000.

The maximum number of OA articles covered by the agreement is limited at national level:
– 138 in 2023 (the quota was reached in October 2023)
177 in 2024
– 216 in 2025

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Click here to read the detailed workflow on the publisher’s website.

Latest news
For articles excluded from the Read&Publish agreement, ACS just announced that there is now a zero-embargo Green OA option. This allows the authors to post their accepted manuscripts with a CC BY license in OA repositories immediately upon acceptance, instead of waiting for the embargo period of 12 months. Unfortunately, this option is subject to an Article Development Charge (ADC) of $2’500, which is in direct contradiction to the spirit of Green OA.

Type of contract
The current R&P agreement (2022-2024) allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA free of charge.

What is included?
30 Hybrid journals – Download the list of titles

The maximum number of OA articles covered by the agreement is limited at national level:
– 136 in 2022
– 140 in 2023
142 in 2024

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Click here to read the detailed workflow on the publisher’s website.

Type of contract
The current R&P agreement (2024-2026) allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA free of charge.

What is included?
Almost all hybrid and gold journals – Download the list of titles

What is excluded?

Newly launched Gold series Cambridge Prisms and Research Directions. However, they are eligible for a 10% discount on APC.

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Click here and here to read the detailed workflow on the publisher’s website.

Type of contract
The R&P agreement (2024-2028) allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA free of charge.

What is included?
All Elsevier, Cell Press and The Lancet journals.
Download the list of titles

What is excluded?
Some selected Learned Society journals.

No quota (i.e. unlimited number of publications)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Click here to read the detailed workflow on the publisher’s website

Type of contract
The current R&P agreement (2022-2024) allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA free of charge.

What is included?
53 Hybrid and 21 Gold journals – Download the list of titles

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Click here to read the detailed workflow on the publisher’s website.

The 2024 quota has been reached.

Type of contract
The current R&P agreement (2023-2025) allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA free of charge.

What is included?
39 Hybrid journals – Download the list of titles

The maximum number of OA articles covered by the agreement is limited at national level:
– 72 in 2023 (the quota was reached in May 2023)
80 in 2024 (the quota was reached in May 2024)
– 88 in 2025

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Click here to read the detailed workflow on the publisher’s website.

Type of contract
The current R&P agreement (2023-2024) allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA free of charge.

What is included?
Over 360 Hybrid journals – Download the list of titles

What is excluded?
Gold journals. However, they are eligible for a 10% discount on APC.

The maximum number of OA articles covered by the agreement is limited at national level:
– 298 in 2023
304 in 2024

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Click here and here to read the detailed workflow on the publisher’s website.

Type of contract
The current R&P agreement (2024-2026) allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA free of charge.

What is included?
37 Hybrid journals – Download the list of titles

What is excluded?
Gold journals – Download the list of titles
However, they are eligible for a 15% discount on APC.

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Click here and here to read the detailed workflow on the publisher’s website.

Type of contract
The current R&P agreement (2023-2025) allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA free of charge.

What is included?
Over 2’000 Hybrid journals – Download the list of titles

The maximum number of OA articles covered by the agreement is limited at national level:
– 1479 in 2023
1520 in 2024
– 1430 in 2025

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Click here to read the detailed workflow on the publisher’s website.

Type of contract
The R&P agreement (2024-2027) allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA free of charge.

What is included?
Over 2’500 Hybrid and Gold journals – Download the list of titles

The maximum number of OA articles covered by the agreement is limited at national level:
702 in 2024
– 716 in 2025
– 730 in 2026
– 745 in 2027

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Click here to read the detailed workflow on the publisher’s website.

Type of contract
The current R&P agreement (2021-2024) allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA free of charge.

What is included?
Over 1’300 Hybrid journals – Download the list of titles

To cover for the OA publishing fees, APC are deducted from an available annual budget on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact the EPFL Library for further information on this quota: [email protected]

The agreement is valid for review article and primary research publications. The responsible corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL at the point of acceptance, and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Click here and here to read the detailed workflow on the publisher’s website.

■   Discounts on APC

Type of contract
This agreement allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA at a reduced price.

10% discount on APC (14% for members of the American Association for the Advancement of Science – AAAS)

What is included?
The Gold journal Science Advances

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Type of contract
This agreement allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA at a reduced price.

20% discount on APC

What is included?
All MDPI journals – List of titles on the publisher’s website

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Type of contract
This agreement allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA at a reduced price.

$500 discount on APC ($5300 instead of $5800) for the Hybrid OA option called “Immediate Open Access”.

What is included?
The journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Type of contract
This agreement allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA at a reduced price.

15% discount on APC

What is included?
3 Hybrid journals:
Biochemical Society Transactions
Biochemical Journal
Essays in Biochemistry

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.

Type of contract
This agreement allows corresponding authors affiliated with EPFL to publish OA at a reduced price.

50% discount on APC

What is included?
All journals – List of titles on the publisher’s website

No quota (i.e., unlimited number of articles)

The corresponding author must be affiliated with EPFL and the research project must have been carried out at least in part at EPFL.


[email protected]

+41 21 693 21 56

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