Research Data storage solutions at EPFL

Explore EPFL’s map of research data storage solutions, designed to support your Research Data Management needs. This visual guide categorizes available storage services by typical research use cases.

Note: This page is exclusively for research data storage. For administrative data related to research, please consult the DSI webpage.

The map is also available in a searchable table format, showing the locations of these services and highlighting solution types (e.g., cloud), including those certified by EPFL to meet compliance and security standards.

Select the best storage solution for your project’s requirements, ensuring both accessibility and security.

For questions, or updates about the information on this page, contact [email protected].

Remember: login with your EPFL account to use the features and comply with security requirements.

ACOUAArchivingyes, SISBEPFL0, max of 10TB/dataset
ELN EPFLComputingyes, ISICEPFL[same as EPFL NAS]
EPFL NASServeryes, DSIEPFL45 CHF/TB /year
GithubCode Repository[unknown]??
High-performance subsystemComputingyes, RCPEPFL0 for CaaS users 
MyNasServeryes, DSIEPFL0 CHF
– Students: 5GBs
– Internal collaborators: 25GBs
– External collaborators affiliated with EPFL: 5GBs 
Microsoft 365Cloudyes, DSISwitzerland0, max of 250GB/user
Google DriveCloudyes, DSI[unknown]
Note: do not use it for personal/sensitive data!
0, max of 20GB/user
OMERODatabankyes, BIOPEPFL50 CHF/TB/year 
Object Storage S3Databankyes, DSIEPFL29 CHF/TB/year
RCP NASServeryes, RCPEPFL20.75 CHF/TB/year
SCITASComputingyes, DSIEPFL25 CHF/TB/year 
SlimsDatabankyes, SV-ITEPFLData storage: 25CHF/Year
– Full professor: 3000 CHF/Year
– Associate Professor : 2000 CHF/Year
– Tenure track: 1000 CHF/Year
Switch FilesenderSharingyes, DSIEPFL0, max of 300GB/dataset
SWITCH DriveCloudyes, DSISwitzerland0, max of 100GB/user
Zenodo (EPFL Community)Data Repositoryyes, SISBEurope0, max of 50GB/dataset
* Indicates an EPFL service is available to assist users.