> Browse, take, read, circulate the books!
> Participate by depositing your own books!

The concept of bookcrossing is to circulate books by “releasing” them into the wild so that they can be found and read by others, who in turn will release them. (Wikipédia)
Some basic rules of use
- These stations are designed to accommodate books, and nothing else.
- Basic ethical rules: no religious or political proselytism, no inappropriate books.
Accepted: Books of all formats and languages, and of various types (literature, comics, humour, history, philosophy, music, adventure, science, etc.)
Not accepted: Handouts/course books
Seven stations on campus
- CE – on the footbridge of the Arcadia cafeteria
- BP – in front of the “student services” desk
- CM – at the entrance of the Parmentier
- EL – near the cafeteria
- SV – ground floor
- SV – 1st floor
- RLC – at the entrance of the Rolex Learning Center
A comment, a remark, a question?
You want to create a new station on campus?
contact us at: bookcrossing@epfl.ch
This (self)service is offered by the EPFL Library