Vision, mission, values and team

Our mission

We contribute to the openness and dissemination of scientific knowledge in alignment with EPFL’s mission and priorities.

We provide EPFL learning, teaching and research communities with support, advice, and expertise in the field of scientific information.

We are committed to facilitating the creation, dissemination, promotion and preservation of EPFL’s academic and scientific output.

We develop relevant collections, offer high-level services and training, and provide stimulating and inclusive study and collaboration spaces to address the needs of our audiences.

Driven by EPFL’s commitment to excellence, we work together with all EPFL partners to promote academic success, advance research, and support Open Science.

Our vision

An influential advocate of the free circulation of knowledge, EPFL Library provides inspiring experiences to its communities, to foster knowledge creation and learning.

EPFL Library aims to positively impact professional and scientific practices to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Our values

Organizational chart and team

The EPFL Library (SISB) reports directly to the Vice-Presidency for Academic Affairs (VPA).


Strategic support and communication

Provide strategic support to the whole Library and lead the Library’s efforts towards promoting its services, collections and facilities.

  • Financial planning and budget management
  • Statistics and performance indicators
  • Strategic project management
  • Internal and external communication strategy
  • Communication activities
  • Event design, planning and promotion
  • Library environmental scanning and strategic watch

Frank Milfort

Head of team, Communication and events 21 693 47 68

User services

Assist, inform and guide users, particularly students, in the use of, and access to, library resources and services.

  • Information, guidance and advice
  • Onsite and online helpdesk
  • Introduction to the use of the Library
  • Spaces and facilities

Academic and research support

Provide a suite of services in support of studying, teaching and research, aligned to the needs of EPFL community.

  • Coordination of the Library’s training offer
  • Information and data literacies
  • Specialized training programs for students, PhDs and researchers
  • Individual and group training

ETH Domain “Open Research Data” (ORD) Program – Measure 3 (project)


Provide EPFL students, teachers and researchers with relevant scholarly resources.

  • Collection development, collection management policy
  • Document selection
  • Needs assessment and usage analysis
  • Collection promotion
  • Resource acquisition and access
  • Publisher and supplier relations
  • Usage statistic monitoring
  • Special collections (sci-fi, video games, etc.)

Digital repositories and archives

Collect, disseminate, preserve, promote EPFL scientific outputs and offer associated support services.

  • IT support
  • Administration of integrated library system (ALMA) and discovery tool
  • Technical coordination of library metadata
  • Application development
  • Support, advice, expertise
  • Administration and curation of Infoscience and ACOUA
  • Management of PLUME platform

EPFL archives


+41 21 693 21 56

Access map