
The Library offers a large choice of electronic and printed documents in the fields of study and research at EPFL. Almost 100’000 ebooks are accessible from EPFL campus, or remotely with the VPN. They complete an extensive printed collection of more than 260’000 books available in the Library.

Purchase, subscription and donation proposals

Do you need a book or journal that is not in our collections? Fill in the dedicated form.

Swiss national contract negotiations

Updated information regarding the negotiations with the main scientific publishers.

EPFL scientific publications

The Library plays its part in promoting the EPFL publications. It is involved in highlighting them and makes them available as much as possible to researchers, students and the public. The EPFL PhD theses, Master’s dissertations in some sections and books written by EPFL members also form part of our collections. A great number of other types of publications (articles, reports, patents …) are also available online in the EPFL open institutional archive, Infoscience, the content of which is managed by the Library.

EPFL scientific data


ACOUA stands for Academic Output Archive. It is the new institutional archive for long-term preservation of research data and code produced by EPFL.


021 693 21 56

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