
The EPFL Library offers you a wide range of online, printed, swiss, european and international standards: ASTM, ASUT, Electrosuisse, IEEE, ISO, NIHS/FH, SIA, SNV, SWISSMEM, VSS.
- Printed standards
All SIA standards, as well as other standards, are available in printed format at the Library. They are listed in the BEAST catalog, and can be consulted and borrowed directly on site, or via the swisscovery network.
- Online swiss standards
Existing standards that govern activities related to architecture, engineering and building law.
EPFL members with a SWITCH edu-ID account and an EPFL affiliation.
Access through the SNV platform
- Rendez-vous sur
- Click on «SWITCH edu-ID»
- Log in with your SWITCH edu-ID account. If you do not have an account, create one by following the registration steps for EPFL members.
- Select « EPFL » as organization
- Accept terms and conditions by clicking on “Continue”
Conditions of use
Users may, for personal use, download and print a standard or part of a standard. Sharing the digital version with third parties is not permitted.
Official website
Current standards governing activities in the fields of urban planning, architecture and civil engineering.
Consultation is only possible by appointment and from a Library computer. Contact to make an appointment.
Conditions of use
It is not possible to download and print VSS standards. Consultation only.
Swiss standards published from 2006 onwards:
- ASUT standards (Swiss Telecommunications Association)
- Electrosuisse standards
- NIHS/FH standards (Bureau des Normes de l’Industrie Horlogère Suisse)
- SIA standards (Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects)
- SNV standards (Swiss Standards Association)
- SWISSMEM (Association for Switzerland’s mechanical and electrical engineering industries)
The consultation is only possible using a tablet available at the Library desk from Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm.
Conditions of use
It is not possible to download and print these standards. Consultation only.
Official website
- European online standards
European standards adopted in Switzerland: SN EN.
EPFL members with a SWITCH edu-ID account and an EPFL affiliation.
Access through the SNV platform
- Rendez-vous sur
- Click on «SWITCH edu-ID»
- Log in with your SWITCH edu-ID account. If you do not have an account, create one by following the registration steps for EPFL members.
- Select « EPFL » as organization
- Accept terms and conditions by clicking on “Continue”
Conditions of use
Users may, for personal use, download and print a standard or part of a standard. Sharing the digital version with third parties is not permitted.
Official website
- Online international standards
ASTM standards are American technical standards for materials, products, systems and services.
Access through the ASTM platform
- EPFL members: access on campus or using the EPFL VPN
- Non-EPFL members: access through the Library computers
Conditions of use
Users may, for personal use, download and print a standard or part of a standard. Sharing the digital version with third parties is not permitted.
IEEE standards are international technical standards for electrical engineering, computing and telecommunications.
Access through the IEEE Xplore platform
- EPFL members: access on campus or using the EPFL VPN
- Non-EPFL members: access through the Library computers
Conditions of use
Users may, for personal use, download and print a standard or part of a standard. Sharing the digital version with third parties is not permitted.
International standards in the industrial and commercial fields serving the interests of the general public when acting as consumers and users.
EPFL members with a SWITCH edu-ID account and an EPFL affiliation.
Access through the SNV platform
- Rendez-vous sur
- Click on «SWITCH edu-ID»
- Log in with your SWITCH edu-ID account. If you do not have an account, create one by following the registration steps for EPFL members.
- Select « EPFL » as organization
- Accept terms and conditions by clicking on “Continue”
Conditions of use
Users may, for personal use, download and print a standard or part of a standard. Sharing the digital version with third parties is not permitted.
Official website
Can’t find the standard you are looking for? Do not hesitate to make a purchase proposal or to contact us!