Services for EPFL associated campuses

This page is intended for people working on EPFL associated campuses. We do our utmost to ensure that you benefit from the same EPFL Library services and resources as you were on the Lausanne campus.

BlueFactory © EPFL, Alain Herzog

You are EPFL member and work at the Smart Living Lab in Fribourg. You can benefit from the following services:

  • articles scans sent by email for free
  • free delivery of documents in Fribourg

Free delivery of documents in Fribourg

Documents available in swisscovery: in the BEAST catalog, choose “HES-SO” as Pick-up Institution and “HEIA” as Pick-up Location from the drop-down menu.

When you receive a notice of withdrawal, pick up the document at the Bibliothèque de la Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et d’Architecture in Fribourg (Boulevard de Pérolles 80). Documents borrowed in this way can be returned to any swisscovery library.

Documents not available in swisscovery: use the interlibrary loan service (ILL) on BEAST catalog. The Pick-up Location is by default “EPFL Bibliothèque”. You receive the book by post directly to your office, as well as a return stamp.

Campus Biotech © EPFL, Alain Herzog

You work at the Campus Biotech in Geneva. You can benefit from the following services:

  • swisscovery printed documents delivered directly to your place
  • article scans sent by e-mail for free
  • provision of documents not available through the BEAST catalog 

Documents available in swisscovery: in the BEAST catalog, choose “HES-SO” as Pick-up Institution and “HEPIA (Ge-Ville)” as Pick-up Location from the drop-down menu.

When you receive a notice of withdrawal, pick up the document at our partner library near to the Geneva train station:


Haute École du paysage, d’ingénierie et d’architecture de Genève

Rue de la Prairie 4

1202 Genève


A free and efficient solution for you and your laboratory. Borrowed documents can be returned through any swisscovery library.


Microcity © EPFL, Alain Herzog


You work at the Microcity in Neuchâtel. You can benefit from the following services:

  • article scans sent by e-mail for free
  • provision of documents not available through the BEAST catalog 


Delivery in Neuchâtel


Documents available in swisscovery: in the BEAST catalog, choose “HES-SO” as Pick-up Institution and “Arc-Ingénierie – Campus Arc 2” as Pick-up Location from the drop-down menu.

When you receive a withdrawal notice, you can go and collect your document in our parnter library near Neuchâtel train station :


HE-ARC Ingénierie Neuchâtel

Campus Arc 2

Espace de l’Europe 11

2000 Neuchâtel


A free and efficient solution for you and your laboratory. Borrowed documents can be returned through any swisscovery library.


Energypolis © EPFL, Alain Herzog

You work at Energypolis in Sion. You can benefit from the following services:

  • article scans sent by e-mail for free
  • provision of documents not available through the BEAST catalog 
  • receive documents directly at your office
  • return of the borrowed books directly on site

Document delivery at Sion

Documents available in swisscovery: when ordering documents, choose “HES-SO” as Pickup Institution, and “HEI (Valais)” as Pickup location in the drop-down menu.
Our local partner, the Médiathèque Energypolis (HEI Valais) receives the document and you must go there to pick up your document (Rue de l’Industrie 23, ground floor).
Documents borrowed in this way can be returned to any swisscovery library (including the Energypolis Media Library).

Documents not available in swisscovery: use the interlibrary loan service (ILL) on BEAST catalog. The Pickup Location is by default “EPFL Bibliothèque”. You receive the book by post directly to your office, as well as a return stamp.

BEAST catalog gives you access to all our resources directly from your computer (IP recognition or VPN): eBooks, eJournals, databases, on-demand scan, etc. Requests for any documentation not available online, can also be done throught interlibrary loan (ILL) service.

We are available to answer to any question or queries you might have, do not hesitate to contact us remotely or on site: we meet you at your workplace to introduce you to our specific services and  give you customized support related to our areas of expertise: services for researchers.


+41 21 693 21 56

Access map