Travel by car

Private car, car-sharing, hire car or taxi: when and how to choose the best means of transport?

In line with its transport policy, which respects the principles of sustainable development, EPFL strongly encourages you to use public transport whenever possible.

You can contact the EPFL travel agency Kuoni BT ((DER Touristik Suisse) for car reservations in Switzerland or abroad.

Europcar is recommended for professional rentals in Switzerland and Europe.

  • In Switzerland : comprehensive accidental damage insurance (including zero deductible) and passenger accident insurance are included
  • In Europe : comprehensive accidental damage insurance is included (deductible level must be defined)
  • Additional insurance (third-party liability, damage and theft) must be taken out for rentals abroad.

Europcar offers for EPFL employees for personal use

→ See related information about Europcar’s offers (PDF, 132 KB) on car rentals.

Students can acquire a Funway card to rent vehicles at a reduced price. Please visit the Funway web page for more information.

Sixt is recommended for business rentals abroad

For distances of less than 150 km in Switzerland, the use of Mobility is recommended.

Several Mobility parking spaces are available 7/7 and 24/24 for your professional or private use. The EPFL community can obtain a free four-month trial subscription and benefit from other advantageous offers.

Take advantage of a free four-month trial subscription and an annual subscription for CHF 70 instead of CHF 129. Register for free on myCAMIPRO.

A transferable subscription for CHF 90 is available for EPFL laboratories and units that need to use a Mobility car for frequent business trips. It is transferable because it is not linked to a person, but to a unit or a laboratory.

See information on insurance coverage and cancellation conditions

  • According to the Travel Directive, the use of a private vehicle (car or motorised two-wheeler) for business purposes is only authorised in Switzerland and limited to special cases.
  • Only disabled persons or persons with a valid medical certificate may use their private vehicle for business travel. In all other cases, annual or temporary authorisation is granted by the Head of Unit.
  • If a private vehicle is used, only the driver is liable. Hiring a vehicle should therefore be used as a priority. The amount of the mileage reimbursement granted by the EPFL covers all fixed and variable expenses.
  • In line with its sustainability objectives, the EPFL does not grant any fleet discount for the purchase of a private vehicle used for professional purposes.
  • According to the Travel Directive, the use of taxi services must be reduced to the strict minimum and not to the detriment of public transport. All taxi services, whether public or independent, are permitted subject to justification.
  • Any taxi journey made within a 10km radius from or to an EPFL campus will not be reimbursed, except for disabled persons or those with a valid medical certificate.


[email protected]

Maison de la mobilité: offers and services


Questions or hotel reservations

– Mon-Fri: 8.30am – 6pm, non-stop

– Phone +41 58 702 64 00

– E-mail: [email protected]


On the EPFL campus (BI A0 432):

– Mo-Fr: 9.00am – 1.00pm / 1.30pm – 5.00pm (except public holidays), without appointment



Car bookings

Europcar Crissier

– Location and timetable here

– Phone :        +41 21 635 35 35

– E-mail :        [email protected]

Europcar Lausanne-Gare

– Location and timetable here

– Phone :        +41 21 319 90 40

– E-mail :        [email protected]



– Booking procedures and problems: [email protected]

– Reimbursement of expenses: [email protected]