Exhibition on the carbon footprint of air travel

We hear a lot about carbon footprints, but they often remain abstract. What is the carbon footprint of a trip? Is it a lot? We’ve tried to put some figures into perspective with the 3D exhibition “Travel Less Without Loss”.
Travel less without loss © Niels Ackermann / Lundi13

Travel Less Without Loss © Niels Ackermann, Lundi13 / Design Emphase

Given EPFL’s growing international reputation, transnational collaborations and exchanges have intensified in recent years. Following the entry into force at the beginning of 2023 of new directives on professional and student travel, a campaign to raise awareness of the carbon impact of travel has been set up. Giant cubes representing volumes of carbon emissions, accompanied by infographics, can currently be seen in front of the Rolex Learning Center, after a first exhibition on Ada Lovelace Square in autumn 2023.

Travel less without loss © Niels Ackermann / Lundi13
Travel Less Without Loss © Niels Ackermann, Lundi13 / Design Emphase

More info in this news of October 10, 2023

Click on the images below to discover the contents of the cubes.

EPFL people getting involved


Wendy Queen © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase Tobias Kippenberg © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase
Xile Hu © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase Carmela Troncoso
Pierre Gönczy © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase
Dimitri Wyss © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase


Scientific Staff

Sascha Nick © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase Jade Maï Cock © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase
Rita Sarkis © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase Pamina Winkler © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase


Mathilde Richard © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase Emilien Ulrich © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase

Administrative and Technical Staff

Roland Tormey © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase Aurore Nembrini © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase
Delphine Wenger © photo Alain Herzog, graphisme Sébastien Fasel, Emphase


When? Exhibition back on campus soon

Where? Place Ada Lovelace, between the BP, SG and BM buildings

Design: Emphase

Info & feedbacks: [email protected]