List of stands: Hypersensitivity and emotions
- Ciao/ On t’écoute
- La Corassp
- Aba
- La main tendue
- PositiveMinders
- Point Santé EPFL
- Consultation sociale EPFL & consultation psychothérapeutique du CHUV
The act of creation can be a great way to let off steam, to let go or to put your deepest feelings on canvas. In collaboration with COLORE TA VIE, we invite you to take part in the creation of a participative fresco on the Esplanade from 21 to 25 November from 12 noon to 2pm. Don’t miss this opportunity to express yourself freely!

There’s a widely held view that social media can be detrimental to mental health. But these platforms are also incredibly popular. They’re a source of initiatives of all kinds – both good and bad. Many people share their lived experiences. But it can sometimes be hard to avoid the darker side of social media, with people finding themselves addicted, caught in the social comparison trap and on the sharp end of cancel culture.”
This panel discussion will explore the positive and negative impacts of social media on mental health.
- Prof. Yasser Khazaal : Médecin Psychiatre, spécialiste en psychiatrie et psychothérapie des addictions, CHUV
- Dr. Thomas Cantaloup : Médecin Psychiatre, Créateur de Mental Health Around the World
- Voyageuse au naturel : influenceuse sur les réseaux Instagram et TikTok
- Julie Kummer : journaliste RTS
Online link: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/64530712690
Replay podcast
In this session (in French), Aurélie de Francesco will run a series of role-play exercises, giving us an opportunity to reflect on interpersonal conflict, harassment and burnout, to discuss what these concepts mean in practice and in Swiss law, and to explore what we can do when they happen to us.
About Aurélie de Francesco
Aurélie de Francesco is a business and compliance lawyer specializing in conflict prevention and management. An accredited mediator and member of the Palo Alto Institute for Systemic Coaching, she has served as EPFL’s Person of Trust since 2017. EPFL staff and students experiencing problems in their work or studies can seek confidential support from her. She works with various educational institutions in Switzerland and has a deep understanding of the world of academia and the associated issues and pressures.
Location of the workshop
How do we free ourselves from the forces that drain our energy, erode our self-confidence, undermine our courage, and leave us feeling lost and out of control? In this presentation, Fabrice Midal will discuss how we end up spiraling into stress and exhaustion, and why the quest for perfection can do us more harm than good. He’ll also help us explore how to overcome the crippling fear of being judged by others and make peace with ourselves. He’ll end by sharing what, in his view, is one of the keys to living a happy life.
Philosopher and author Fabrice Midal has written around 40 books, including Suis-je hypersensible ? (Am I hypersensitive?) and The French Art of Not Giving a Sh*t: Cut the Crap and Live Your Life, originally written in French and translated into multiple languages. He is the founder of RESO – L’École de méditation, a nonprofit organization that runs meditation sessions across Switzerland and beyond.
Replay podcast