The Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) regularly visits all EPFL laboratories to improve the health and safety of all collaborators.
The audit is to control the safety standards and legal requirements, but also to better understand your working procedures and the related risks and hazards.
The audit is generally announced one month in advance via e-mail.
Do not hesitate to contact the OHS for any hazards/risks intrinsic to your unit so that the OHS could provide the best support possible.
The audit is done with the presence of the COSEC, and with the laboratory responsible if presents.
To prepare for this visit, the OHS sends to the COSEC an audit criteria list for the visit of EPFL laboratories.
To allow chemicals management within the EPFL, a chemical inventory update is requested prior to the audit date.
Occasionally, the OHS can also perform ‘surprise audits’. In this case, the exact audit date is not announced in advance and presence of the COSEC is therefore not mandatory.