Mental Health & Well-Being

At EPFL, we want to ensure that staff, students and researchers can get the psychological help and support they need to achieve their full potential. On this page, you’ll find details of the mental health and well-being services available to EPFL community members.


Mental health and well-being are influenced not only by individual attributes but also by the social circumstances in which people find themselves and the environment in which they live.

Mental Health

Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.

Health at work

Our occupational health unit specializes in physical and mental health in the workplace, offering consultations and a range of other services.

Research and actions conducted at EPFL

Synapsy Center

Deeply rooted in neurobiology, mental health problems need multidisciplinary research approaches to be tackled. The EPFL Synapsy Center for Neuroscience and Mental Health Research integrates all mental health-related research at EPFL, and serves as a central node to connect researchers, students, interested stakeholders and the public at large.

Task Force Mental Health & Well-Being

Mental health is just as important as physical health. But it remains a taboo topic in many settings, especially at universities. EPFL is committed to making the well-being of its community a strategic priority – and is developing an institutional strategy to create an environment where everyone can get information, seek support and talk openly about mental health.


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please write to us at: