For all emergencies, 24h/24:
From an EPFL landline: 115
From a personal mobile phone: 021 693 30 00
From the EPFL Campus app: SOS

For all questions: Support OHS

Report a laboratory accident: Incident Manager

For chemical authorization requests: Authorisation request

For Lone work requests: Lone worker

OHS inside

Laboratory Safety

Cluttered laboratory fume hood. Despite a seeming order, several safety issues should be addressed: closing down the sash window, general order, closing of the waste tank cap, eliminate all unnecessary material for the current experiment.

Our mission is to foster a safe working environment in laboratories thanks to advice, risk analyses and audits. Regarding safety and health in the workplace, the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) aims to make some 15,000 students and researchers on the EPFL campus and in its outposts accountable daily. The members of the OHS form a multidisciplinary team working for the safety prevention, support, training and inspection of EPFL’s 2,000 labs.

CoSECs are the foundation of laboratories safety across the EPFL campuses.

OHS visits all laboratories to improve the health and safety of all employees following legal requirements.

Measures and recommendations to manage main hazards found in laboratories.

Explanations and procedure to acquire chemicals under authorization.

Access to different PPE catalogs and information regarding particular working environment PPE.

Waste management procedure according to the wastes’ physical and chemical properties.

Information and recommandations to follow for the transport of hazardous goods across the campus.

Details on the creation and edition of door safety data sheet aimed for emergency team intervention.

Don’t work alone in a laboratory:If you are exposed to danger, you need to be able to get help in an emergency !If possible, always work in pairs ! Definition of an isolated worker:An isolated worker is one who cannot be rescued immediately after an accident or in a critical situation (sudden illness). This is the (…)

IntroductionUnattended experiments can cause serious damage to EPFL personnel, facilities and equipment. In the absence of the person who initiated the reaction, other laboratory workers may be unaware of the associated hazards. In this case, emergency responders must be informed of the experiment and the associated risks.It is mandatory to complete and display this form (…)

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