The occupational hygiene team, in close collaboration with occupational medicine, offers a service to assess occupational exposure risks. Its goal is to help EPFL employees and students minimize acute and chronic occupational exposure, and thus help maintain a working environment that is optimum for their health and well-being.
A risk assessment generally involves the use of measuring instruments to evaluate objectively exposure to harmful agents in the workplace, such as solvent fumes, dust or noise. The results obtained can be compared with Swiss statutory limits or other current recommendations. Risk analysis may be accompanied by an assessment of technical protection equipment. In some cases, this approach may also involve the medical monitoring of employees, particularly in the form of biomonitoring.
Based on the findings of the assessment, our team can suggest to users some measures to minimize exposure by favoring the implementation of technical measures at the source of nuisances, as well as by recommending the most adapted personal protective equipment. Subsequently, the efficiency of the improvements will be validated by our team through single or periodic checks if necessary.
All of our services may be requested by a research group, an employee or under the mandate of another DSPS department.
For the services above, please contact our occupational hygienists.