These training courses are reserved to all EPFL staff and to people working in laboratories & other EPFL infrastructures (e.g. workshops, platforms).
FOBS are mandatory basic training (Formations Obligatoires de Base en Sécurité in French) for anyone who joins EPFL and who has to carry out activities with certain hazards.
To obtain the CAMIPRO card access for rooms with specific hazards (Biological, Radioactive, Nanomaterials, Lasers & Cryogenic stations) you have to follow a compulsory safety training.
Please note that all OHS safety training, except for FOBS 1, FOBS 2 and FOBS 3 for biological hazards, are announced on the OHS Memento web page. If you find no announced safety training on the OHS Memento web page, it means that they haven’t been re-scheduled yet. Please check this page regularly to know the dates of the upcoming courses. For any question or doubt, do not hesitate to open a safety ticket.
Mandatory Basic Safety Training
FOBS 1 + 2
Mandatory basic safety training for ALL newly hired people at EPFL (FOBS 1) and people that will work in the laboratory (FOBS 2).
Mandatory safety training for specific hazards (Biological, Radioactive, Nanomaterials, Lasers, Cryogenic stations).
COSEC training
This mandatory training is aimed at future safety correspondents (CoSec) who will become the contact persons for occupational health and safety in their unit.
Requisite conditions for a waiver application for FOBS 1 or 2:
- Appointment for a duration of less than two months for staff working occasionally or regularly in a laboratory
- Appointment for a duration of less than six months for administrative staff
- Appointment for a duration of less than one year for staff working less than half-time
If you meet one of these conditions, please fill in and sign the waiver application form and send it to the address mentioned.
Supplementary Safety Trainings
Complementary safety trainings
The complementary trainings are free and optional for the whole EPFL staff.
Specific trainings
The DSE offers several specific trainings in collaboration with external trainers. These courses are reserved for EPFL staff and their cost is borne by the employee’s department.