Complementary safety training

The complementary trainings are free and optional for the whole EPFL staff.

Correct chemical storage in the laboratory is essential to minimize exposure of the human, the environment and the infrastructures to hazardous chemicals, and to reduce the risk of unwanted chemical reactions as well as the risk of fire and explosions.

Chemical storage online training on Moodle

The nanomaterial safety course has been conceived and it is mandatory for researchers working in nano 2 and nano 3 environments, but it is a robust theoretical knowledge also for people working in nano 1 laboratories. We therefore strongly recommend anyone working with nanomaterials to follow the training and to complete the final nanomaterial safety quiz.

Nanomaterial safety training

This online course provides an overview of the major hazards which can be encountered in a biosafety level 1 laboratory.

The course it is divided in three parts:

  1. a first part addressing general safety procedures, security equipment, prevention and health at work and the presentation of the rescue service (recall from FOBS 1)
  2. a second part addressing the major hazards in a biosafety level 1 laboratory, the relative infrastructures and the good laboratory practices
  3. a third part addressing the possible routes of exposure to chemical or biological hazards, accident management and chemical and biological waste management.

A quiz at the end of this course will enable you to assess the skills you learned.

Biosafety level 1 safety training

To help the EPFL community minimize risks and prevent accidents when working with compressed gas, we offer a complementary gas safety training via the Moodle learning platform:

Gas safety training

The points covered in this safety training are:

  • Safety principles                               
  • Gas cylinders
  • Gas properties
  • How can we mitigate risk?
  • Gas cylinder storage
  • Fittings and threads
  • Gas distribution system: Cylinder change
  • Experimental setup safety
  • Gas detection
  • Take-home message

In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact us via: