CAMIPRO infoterminals

There are currently about ten CAMIPRO infoterminals on the EPFL campus.

The main purpose of these infoterminals is to update the validity data on your CAMIPRO card:

  • your data, i.e. category (student, staff, etc.) and expiration date, is updated by inserting your card into the re-enrollment/validation printer ;
  • your offline access rights, for the staff concerned, are updated by swiping your card on the hotspot.

The infoterminals also allow you to consult your balance, your last electronic money transactions, your access rights and possibly your schedule.

Moreover, these infoterminals allow you to get the following informations :

Localisation of the infoterminals

There are also Camipro infoterminals on the Geneva, Sion, Neuchâtel and Fribourg campuses :

CB (Biotech in Geneva) CAMIPRO infoterminal

I17 (Energypolis in Sion) CAMIPRO infoterminal

MC (Microcity in Neuchâtel) CAMIPRO infoterminal

BF (Smart Living Lab in Fribourg) CAMIPRO infoterminal