You are an EPFL member and wish to share information internally or externally?
These pages bring together the services and resources at your disposal, whether – for example – to create an official flyer, share information to all EPFL members, announce an event or communicate your scientific news to the press or the general public.
EPFL’s communication teams are naturally at your disposal to help you.

Promote your activities in the media
See how to work with the media, or to provide information on specific requests from journalists.

Internal Communications
EPFL’s internal communication is at your service to determine the people targeted your project and the best channels to communicate your information.

Open Communication Guidelines
Values underpinning our communications policy.

Visual Communication
Discover the tools and services for the community related to EPFL’s visual identity.

Social media
How to submit content, social media resources, rules and tips for the EPFL community

Selected service providers
A list of service providers selected through a RFP.

Communicate an event
Discover the possibilities for the promotion and communication of your event, meeting, etc.

Inclusive language
Inclusive language aims to make any language a communication tool that includes all genders and offers them the same visibility.