
The DSI (IT Service Department) provides an email service for students and employees working at EPFL.

Every person meeting the following prerequesites are allowed to perform a request for a personal mailbox:

  • having a unique employee number (SCIPER)
  • having the following status: “Employee”, “Student” or “Invited guest”(*) in the EPFL(**) structure
  • having an ActiveDirectory account

The request must be sent to the local IT Manager from the EPFL unit / service / faculty where the requester is bound to.


Every person can hold one personal mailbox only (usually [email protected]).
If required, it is possible to perform a request for a “service” mail address

The mailbox access works with the GASPAR credentials.

More information about credentials management in EPFL are available here:

(*) People with the “Host” status can follow this link for further information
(**) Warning: People with the “Guest” status cannot request for a personal mailbox